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from Gr. leon (leontos), lion; podion, (dim. of pous (podos), foot), small foot: small lions foot; as specific name used for plants covered with long hairs

There were 16 illustrations found for epithet leontopodius,-a,-um

896916 592832 Leontopodium nivale (Ten.) Huet ex Hand.-Mazz. [181 471257 Gnaphalium leontopodium L.]
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 45 : t. 1958 (1818) [n.a.]
569146 600426 Leucogenes leontopodium (Hook.f.) Beauverd [125 502040 Helichrysum leontopodium Hook.f.]
J.D. Hooker, Bot. Antarct. Voy., vol. 2(1): (Flora Novae-zelandiae (flowering plants)): t. 37 (1853) [W.H. Fitch]
5883616 592832 Leontopodium nivale (Ten.) Huet ex Hand.-Mazz. [181 471257 Gnaphalium leontopodium L.]
N.J. von Jacquin, Fragm. Bot.: t. 81, fig. 3 (1809)
7331916 592832 Leontopodium nivale (Ten.) Huet ex Hand.-Mazz. [181 471257 Gnaphalium leontopodium L.]
N.J. von Jacquin, Fl. Austriac., vol. 1 : t. 86 (1773)
23718916 592832 Leontopodium nivale (Ten.) Huet ex Hand.-Mazz. [181 471257 Gnaphalium leontopodium L.]
C. Clusius, Rar. Pl. Hist., vol. 1 fasicle 3, : p. 328 (1601)
4010592 856512 Pyrethrum leontopodium (C.Winkl.) Tzvelev [0]
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 26 : p. 225, t. 9, fig. 2 (1934-1964)
15547016 592832 Leontopodium nivale (Ten.) Huet ex Hand.-Mazz. [181 471257 Gnaphalium leontopodium L.]
A.J. Kerner von Marilaun, A. Hansen, Pflanzenleben, vol. 1 : p. 231 (1887-1891)
15903516 592832 Leontopodium nivale (Ten.) Huet ex Hand.-Mazz. [181 471257 Gnaphalium leontopodium L.]
J. Seboth, F. Graf, Alpenpfl., vol. 1 : t. 48 (1839)
25810916 592832 Leontopodium nivale (Ten.) Huet ex Hand.-Mazz. [181 471257 Gnaphalium leontopodium L.]
D. Dodart, Recueil des plantes gravées par ordre du roi Louis XIV, vol. 1 : t. 150, fig. 3 (1788) [N. Robert]
39347416 592832 Leontopodium nivale (Ten.) Huet ex Hand.-Mazz. [181 440167 Filago leontopodium L.]
R. Dodoens [Dodonaeus ], Stirp. Hist. Pempt.: p. 69, fig. 1 (1583)
20841616 592832 Leontopodium nivale (Ten.) Huet ex Hand.-Mazz. [181 471257 Gnaphalium leontopodium L.]
K. Hoffmann, E. Dennert, Botanischer Bilderatlas: t. 80, fig. 3 (1911)
35113716 592832 Leontopodium nivale (Ten.) Huet ex Hand.-Mazz. [181 471257 Gnaphalium leontopodium L.]
J. Sturm, J.W. Sturm, Deutschl. Fl., vol. 10 (Heft 37-40): t. 53] (1814)
49369316 592832 Leontopodium nivale (Ten.) Huet ex Hand.-Mazz. [181 471257 Gnaphalium leontopodium L.]
E. Walton, : t. 7 (1869)
26054016 592832 Leontopodium nivale (Ten.) Huet ex Hand.-Mazz. [181 440167 Filago leontopodium L.]
Coll. Vélins Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 33 (Compositae): t. 78 () [J. Joubert]
43701116 592832 Leontopodium nivale (Ten.) Huet ex Hand.-Mazz. [181 471257 Gnaphalium leontopodium L.]
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 6141MPM.HB.06141 (1553-1601)
43779516 592832 Leontopodium nivale (Ten.) Huet ex Hand.-Mazz. [181 440167 Filago leontopodium L.]
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 6922MPM.HB.06922 (1553-1601)