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from Syringa, genus (Oleaceae), and L. folium, leaf: leaves resembling those of Syringa

There were 13 illustrations found for epithet syringifolius,-a,-um

81165 212265 Catalpa bignonioides Walter
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 27 : t. 1094 (1808) [S.T. Edwards]
330942 984188 Struthanthus syringifolius (Mart.) Mart. [80 620740 Loranthus syringifolius Mart.]
C.F.P. von Martius, A.G. Eichler, I. Urban, Fl. Bras., vol. 5(2): fasicle 44, (Loranthaceae; Lauraceae, Hernandiaceae): t. 28 (1868)
364132 128984 Barklya syringifolia F. Muell.
F.J.H. von Mueller [Müller], Fragm., vol. 1 : t. 3 (1859) [L. Becker]
589565 212265 Catalpa bignonioides Walter
C.L. Loddiges, Bot. Cab., vol. 13 : t. 1285 (1827) [?]
630322 128984 Barklya syringifolia F. Muell.
J.H. Maiden, Forest Fl. N.S.W., vol. 1 : t. 31 (1902) [M. Flockton]
1036172 767854 Peperomia syringifolia C.DC.
J.C. Mutis, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Granada: t. 715 (1783)
1724835 212265 Catalpa bignonioides Walter
H. Witte, Flora (Witte): p. 97, t. 25 (1868) [A.J. Wendel]
1188092 767854 Peperomia syringifolia C.DC.
L. Sodiro, Piperac. Ecuator.: t. 17 (1900) [V. Padilla]
1641916 485496 Gymnema inodorum (Lour.) Decne. [125 306176 Cynanchum inodorum Lour.]
G.E. Rumphius (Rumpf), Herb. Amboin., vol. 5 : p. 75, t. 40, fig. 2 (1747)
1732516 1022924 Tournefortia maculata Jacq.
F.A.W. Miquel, Strip. Surinam. Select.: p. 137, t. 41 (1850) [VerHuell]
4505962 367947 Ecbolium syringifolium (Vahl) Vollesen [80 573273 Justicia syringifolia Vahl]
Kew Bull., vol. 44(): : p. 674, fig. 18A-L (1989) [E. Catherine]
J.C. Loudon, Arbor. Frutic. Brit., ed. 2, vol. 7 (Plates): p. 215 (1844)
J.C. Loudon, Arbor. Frutic. Brit., ed. 2, vol. 7 (Plates): p. 216 (1844)