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from L. magnus, great, large, noble; folium, leaf

There were 20 illustrations found for epithet magnifolius,-a,-um

296136 581363 Ladenbergia oblongifolia (Humb. ex Mutis) L.Andersson [125 243401 Cinchona oblongifolia Humb. ex Mutis]
F.H.A. von Humboldt, A. Bonpland, Pl. Aequinoct., vol. 1 : t. 39 (1808) [P.A. Poiteau]
496276 777772 Philbornea magnifolia (Stapf) Hallier f. [125 365679 Durandea magnifolia Stapf]
W.J. Hooker, J.D. Hooker, Icon. Pl., vol. 29 : t. 2822 (1906) [M. Smith]
Dombeya magnifolia Arènes
Fl. Madag., vol. 131 (Sterculiacées): p. 345 (1959) [J. Saussotte-Guérel]
4534035 654874 Melicope magnifolia (Baillon) T.G. Hartley [122416694 Euodia magnifolia Baillon]
A. Grandidier, Hist. Phys. Madagascar, vol. 34 : t. 167 (1899) [A.R. d’Apreval]
3801982 475476 Gonolobus magnifolius Pittier
Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb., vol. 13 : p. 104, fig. 13 (1909-1912)
896896 581363 Ladenbergia oblongifolia (Humb. ex Mutis) L.Andersson [125 243401 Cinchona oblongifolia Humb. ex Mutis]
F.P. Chaumeton, Fl. Med., vol. 5 (nouvelle publication): t. 290 (1831)
1041996 581363 Ladenbergia oblongifolia (Humb. ex Mutis) L.Andersson [125 243401 Cinchona oblongifolia Humb. ex Mutis]
J.C. Mutis, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Granada: t. 1297A (1783)
1042006 581363 Ladenbergia oblongifolia (Humb. ex Mutis) L.Andersson [125 243401 Cinchona oblongifolia Humb. ex Mutis]
J.C. Mutis, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Granada: t. 1298A (1783) [M.A. Cortés Alcocer]
1205506 581363 Ladenbergia oblongifolia (Humb. ex Mutis) L.Andersson [125 243401 Cinchona oblongifolia Humb. ex Mutis]
H. Ruíz López, J.A. Pavon, Fl. Peruv., vol. 2 (Plates 153-325): p. 53, t. 196 (1798) [F. Pulgar]
1871176 581363 Ladenbergia oblongifolia (Humb. ex Mutis) L.Andersson [125 243401 Cinchona oblongifolia Humb. ex Mutis]
H. Ruíz López, J.A. Pavon, Fl. Peruv., vol. 2(coloured version): (Plates 153-325): p. 53, t. 196 (1798)
2804885 1042879 Unonopsis magnifolia R.E. Fr.
H. Ruíz López, J.A. Pavon, Fl. Peruv., vol. 5 (Plates 426-495): t. 480 (1958)
15267312 285099 Crataegus pruinosa (H.L. Wendl.) K. Koch [80 284849 Crataegus magnifolia Sarg.]
C.S. Sargent, Trees & Shrubs, vol. 2 : t. 132 (1855) [C.E. Faxon]
2327502 591106 Leea magnifolia Merr.
Fl. Males., vol. 7(4): : p. 763, fig. 5 (1976) [unsigned]
2331322 777772 Philbornea magnifolia (Stapf) Hallier f. [80 365679 Durandea magnifolia Stapf]
Fl. Males., vol. 10 : p. 614, fig. 4 (1984-1989) [F. v H.]
2351022 760872 Pelargonium magnifolium Sweet
R. Sweet, Geraniaceae, vol. 5 : t. 10 (1830)
2813605 1042879 Unonopsis magnifolia R.E. Fr.
H. Ruiz, J. Pavón, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Viceroy. Peru: t. 831 [] (1777) [X. Cortés y Alcocer]
2641776 581363 Ladenbergia oblongifolia (Humb. ex Mutis) L.Andersson [125 243401 Cinchona oblongifolia Humb. ex Mutis]
J.E. Howard, Illustrations of the Nueva Quinologia of Pavon: t. 10 (1862) [W.H. Fitch]
44129244 50290 Alyxia magnifolia species F.M.Bailey
F.M. Bailey, Compr. Cat. Queensland Pl.: p. 322, fig. 298 (1913) [C.T. White]
4530372 953192 Sloanea magnifolia Tirel
Kew Bull., vol. 38(): : p. 356, fig. 3M (1983) [copy]
4511092 977906 Stephanopodium magnifolium Prance
Kew Bull., vol. 49(): : p. 135, fig. 4 (1993-1994) [M. Fothergill]