Euphorbia officinarum L.
Cosson, E.S.C., Barratte, J.F.G., IIlustrationes florae atlanticae, seu icones plantarum novarum (1882-1897)
Ill. Fl. atlant.

vol. 2(7): (1897)
t. 169 f. 13,14
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Euphorbia officinarum L.

name cited:
Euphorbia officinarum L.
name recognized:
Euphorbia officinarum L.
drawing: C. Cuisin
family: Euphorbiaceae
subfamily: Euphorboideae
tribe: Euphorbieae
subtribe: Euphorbiinae
epithet: officinarum

Illustration contributed by:
Field MUseum of Natural History Library, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
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homotypic synonyms:
Tithymalus officinarum (L.) Karsten;
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1 423398 Euphorbia officinarum L.
E.S.C. Cosson, J.F.G. Barratte, Ill. Fl. atlant., vol. 2(7): : t. 169, fig. 13,14 (1897) [C. Cuisin]