Daphne mezereum L.
Roques, J., Phytographie médicale (1835)
Phytogr. Méd., ed. 2

vol. 4
t. 25
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Daphne mezereum L.

name cited:
Daphne mezereum L.
name recognized:
Daphne mezereum L.
drawing: Hocquart
family: Thymelaeaceae
epithet: mezereum

Illustration contributed by:
University of Glasgow Library, U.K.
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homotypic synonyms:
Thymelaea mezereum (L.) Scop.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Daphne albiflora J.P.Wolff; Daphne florida Salisb.; Daphne houtteana Lindl. & Paxton; Daphne lateriflora Raf.; Daphne lateriflora St.-Lag.; Daphne liottardi Vill.; Thymelaea praecox Gilib.;
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