Symphytum purpureum Gérard
Portefeuille des horticulteurs, journal pratique des jardins (1847-1848)
Portef. Hort.

vol. 1 (1847)

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Symphytum purpureum Gérard

name cited:
Symphytum purpureum Gérard
name recognized:
Symphytum purpureum Gérard
drawing: L. Constans
engraving/lithography: Oudet
family: Boraginaceae
subfamily: Boraginioidae
tribe: Boragineae
epithet: purpureus,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
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2 1474191 Symphytum purpureum Gérard
Portef. Hort., vol. 1 : (1847) [L. Constans]