Annona muricata L.
Watanabe, K., Illustrations of useful plants of the southern regions (1944-1945)
Ill. Useful Pl. South. Reg.

vol. 2(1): (1945)
[Edible plants]
t. 479
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Annona muricata L.

name cited:
Annona muricata L.
name recognized:
Annona muricata L.
family: Annonaceae
subfamily: Annonoideae
epithet: muricatus,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
National Library Board, Singapore
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heterotypic synonyms:
Annona bonplandiana Kunth; Annona cearaensis Barb. Rodr.; Annona macrocarpa Wercklé; Annona muricata Sessé & Moc.; Guanabanus muricatus M. Gómez;
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1 66322 Annona muricata L.
K. Watanabe, Ill. Useful Pl. South. Reg., vol. 2(1): (Edible plants): t. 479 (1945)