Chenopodium album L.
Korsmo, E., Unkrauttaflen - Weed plates - Planches des mauvaises herbes - Ugressplansjer (1934-1938)

t. 2 f. 3
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Chenopodium album L.

name cited:
Chenopodium album L.
name recognized:
Chenopodium album L.
family: Chenopodiaceae
subfamily: Chenopodioideae
tribe: Chenopodieae
epithet: albus,-a,-um

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heterotypic synonyms:
Atriplex alba (L.) Crantz; Atriplex viridis (L.) Crantz; Blitum viride (L.) Moench; Botrys alba (L.) Nieuwl.; Botrys pagana (Rchb.) Lunell; Chenopodium agreste E.H.L.Krause; Chenopodium bernburgense (Murr) Druce; Chenopodium bicolor Bojer ex Moq.; Chenopodium borbasiforme (Murr) Druce; Chenopodium borbasii F.Murr; Chenopodium browneanum Schultes; Chenopodium candicans Lam.; Chenopodium catenulatum Schleich. ex Steudel; Chenopodium concatenatum Willd.; Chenopodium densifoliatum (Ludw. & Aellen) F.Dvorák; Chenopodium elatum Shuttlew. ex Moq.; Chenopodium glomerulosum Rchb.; Chenopodium laciniatum Roxb.; Chenopodium lanceolatum Muhl. ex Willd.; Chenopodium lanceolatum R. Br.; Chenopodium leiospermum DC.; Chenopodium lobatum (Prodán) F.Dvorák; Chenopodium missouriense Aellen; Chenopodium neglectum Dumort.; Chenopodium neoalbum F.Dvorák; Chenopodium opulaceum Neck.; Chenopodium ovalifolium (Aellen) F.Dvorák; Chenopodium paganum Rchb.; Chenopodium paucidentatum (Aellen) F.Dvorák; Chenopodium pedunculare Bertol.; Chenopodium probstii Aellen; Chenopodium pseudoborbasii Murr; Chenopodium riparium Boenn. ex Moq.; Chenopodium serotinum Ledeb.; Chenopodium subaphyllum Phil.; Chenopodium superalbum F.Dvorák; Chenopodium viride L.; Chenopodium viridescens (St.-Amans) Dalla Torre & Sarnth.; Chenopodium vulgare Gueldenst. ex Ledeb.; Chenopodium vulpinum Buch.-Ham.; Chenopodium zobelii Murr ex Asch. & Graebn.; Chenopodium zobelli A. Ludw. & Aellen;
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1 233493 Chenopodium album L.
E. Korsmo, Unkrauttaflen - Weed plates - Planches des mauvaises herbes - Ugressplansjer: t. 2, fig. 3 (1934)