Psychotria elata (Sw.) Hammel [ Cephaelis elata Sw.]
Fawcett, W., Rendle, A.B., Flora of Jamaica (1910-1936)
Fl. Jamaica

vol. 7 (1936)
p. 113 f. 33
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Psychotria elata (Sw.) Hammel

name cited:
Cephaelis elata Sw.
name recognized:
Psychotria elata (Sw.) Hammel
name recognized (basionym):
Cephaelis elata Sw.
family: Rubiaceae
subfamily: Rubioideae
tribe: Psychotrieae
epithet: elatus,-a,-um

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University of Toronto Library, Canada
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contact about this record homotypic synonyms:
Callicocca elata (Sw.) J.F.Gmel.; Cephaelis elata Sw.; Evea elata (Sw.) Standl.; Tapogomea elata (Sw.) Poir.; Uragoga elata (Sw.) Kuntze;
heterotypic synonyms:
Cephaelis costaricensis Schltdl.; Cephaelis phoenicia Donn.Sm.; Cephaelis punicea Vahl; Tapogomea punicea (Vahl) Poir.; Uragoga phoenicia Schumann ex Engl. & Prantl; Uragoga punicea (Vahl) Schumann;