Viguiera cordata (Hook. & Arn.) D’Arcy
Sessé, M., Mociño, M., Drawings from the Spanish Royal Expedition to New Spain (1787–1803) (Torner collection, Hunt Institute, Pittsburgh, U.S.A.) (1787-1803)
Draw. Roy. Exped. New Spain


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Viguiera cordata (Hook. & Arn.) D’Arcy

name cited:
Viguiera cordata (Hook. & Arn.) D’Arcy
name cited (basionym):
Wedelia cordata Hook. & Arn.
name recognized:
Viguiera cordata (Hook. & Arn.) D’Arcy
name recognized (basionym):
Wedelia cordata Hook. & Arn.
family: Compositae
epithet: cordatus,-a,-um

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contact about this record homotypic synonyms:
Hymenostephium cordatum (Hook. & Arn.) S.F.Blake; Wedelia cordata Hook. & Arn.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Aspilia costa-ricensis (Benth.); Aspilia costaricensis (Benth.) Klatt; Aspilia hispida Brandegee; Gymnolomia costaricensis (Benth.) B.L.Rob. & Greenm.; Gymnolomia ehrenbergiana Klatt; Gymnolomia guatemalensis (B.L.Rob. & Greenm.) Greenm.; Gymnolomia microcephala Less.; Gymnolomia patens A. Gray; Gymnolomia subflexuosa (Hook. & Arn.) Benth. & Hook.f.; Gymnolomia vulcanica Steetz; Gymnopsis costaricensis Benth. ex Benth.; Gymnopsis microcephala (Less.) Steudel; Gymnopsis vulcanica Steetz; Hymenostephium guatemalense (B.L.Rob. & Greenm.) S.F.Blake; Hymenostephium mexicanum Benth.; Hymenostephium pilosulum S.F.Blake; Montanoa thomasii Klatt; Wedelia subflexuosa Hook. & Arn.;