Aphelandra scabra (Vahl) Sm. [ Aphelandra deppeana Cham. & Schltdl.]
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden (1914-2013)
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard.

vol. 71 (1984)
p. 112 f. 13,14
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Aphelandra scabra (Vahl) Sm.

name cited:
Aphelandra deppeana Cham. & Schltdl.
name recognized:
Aphelandra scabra (Vahl) Sm.
name recognized (basionym):
Justicia scabra Vahl
drawing: unsigned
family: Acanthaceae
subfamily: Acanthoideae
epithet cited: deppeanus,-a,-um

epithet recognized: scaber, scabra, scabrum

Illustration contributed by:
Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, U.S.A.
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contact about this record homotypic synonyms:
Adhatoda scabra species (Vahl) Nees; Justicia scabra Vahl;
heterotypic synonyms:
Aphelandra cristata Kunth; Aphelandra deppeana Cham. & Schltdl.; Aphelandra fulgens Decne.; Aphelandra haenkeana Nees; Aphelandra pectinata Willd. ex Nees; Ecbolium chapadanum Kuntze; Ecbolium scabrum (Nees) Kuntze; Justicia pulcherrima Sessé & Moc.; Justicia rostrata Bertol.; Justicia scabra (Nees) V.M. Badillo;