Potentilla atrosanguinea Lodd., G. Lodd. & W. Lodd.
Step, E., Bois, D., Favourite flowers of garden and greenhouse (1896-1897)
Favourite Fl.

vol. 2 (1896)
t. 85
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Potentilla atrosanguinea Lodd., G. Lodd. & W. Lodd.

name cited:
Potentilla atrosanguinea Lodd., G. Lodd. & W. Lodd.
name recognized:
Potentilla atrosanguinea Lodd., G. Lodd. & W. Lodd.
drawing: D.G.J.M. Bois
family: Rosaceae
subfamily: Rosoideae
tribe: Potentilleae
epithet cited: atrosanguineus,-a,-um

epithet recognized: argyrophyllus,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, U.S.A.
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2 833056 Potentilla atrosanguinea Lodd., G. Lodd. & W. Lodd.
E. Step, D. Bois, Favourite Fl., vol. 2 : t. 85 (1896) [D.G.J.M. Bois]