Asplenium formosum Willd.
Lowe, E.J., Ferns [a history of Ferns]: British and exotic (1856-1860)

vol. 5
t. 43 p. 123 f. B (1839)
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Asplenium formosum Willd.

name cited:
Asplenium formosum Willd.
name recognized:
Asplenium formosum Willd.
family: Aspleniaceae
epithet: formosus,-a,-um

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Illustration contributed by:
Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
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heterotypic synonyms:
Asplenium nanum Willd.; Asplenium subalatum Hook. & Arn.;
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2 102506 Asplenium formosum Willd.
E.J. Lowe, Ferns, vol. 5 : p. 123, t. 43, fig. B (1839)