Inula helenium L.
Sharp, Helen, Water-color sketches of American plants, especially New England (1888-1910)
Water-color Sketches Amer. Pl.

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Inula helenium L.

name cited:
Inula helenium L.
name recognized:
Inula helenium L.
drawing: Helen Sharp
family: Compositae
epithet: helenius,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
Chicago Botanic Garden, Lenhardt Library, U.S.A.
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homotypic synonyms:
Aster helenium (L.) Scop.; Corvisartia helenium (L.) Mérat;
heterotypic synonyms:
Aster officinalis All.; Helenium grandiflorum Gilib.;
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1 555269 Inula helenium L.
Helen Sharp, Water-color Sketches Amer. Pl.: (1888-1910) [Helen Sharp]