Cyclamen coum Miller [ Cyclamen ibericum Goldie ex G. Don]
Oudemans, C.A.J.A., Neerland’s Plantentuin (1865-1867)
Neerl. Pl.-tuin

vol. 3 (1867)
t. 44 f. 3
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Cyclamen coum Miller

name cited:
Cyclamen ibericum Goldie ex G. Don
name recognized:
Cyclamen coum Miller
family: Primulaceae
tribe: Cyclamineae
epithet cited: ibericus,-a,-um

epithet recognized: coum

Illustration contributed by:
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.
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heterotypic synonyms:
Cyclamen apiculatum Jord.; Cyclamen brevifrons Jord.; Cyclamen durostoricum Pantu & Solacolu; Cyclamen hiemale Hildebr.; Cyclamen hiemale Hilebr.; Cyclamen hyemale Salib.; Cyclamen hyemale Salisb.; Cyclamen kusnetzovii Kotov & Czernova; Cyclamen orbiculatum Miller; Cyclamen vernale K. Koch;
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12 302931 Cyclamen coum Miller [80 302986 Cyclamen ibericum Goldie ex G. Don]
C.A.J.A. Oudemans, Neerl. Pl.-tuin, vol. 3 : t. 44, fig. 3 (1867)