Benthamia melanopoda Schltr.
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ID illustration 218344
ID publication 3205
ID volume 6730
code scanning institute SOF
scanning institute Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz. Botanical Institute, University of Basel, Switzerland
URL volume
ID species cited 137368
species cited Benthamia melanopoda Schltr.
ID basionym cited 137368
basionym cited Benthamia melanopoda Schltr.
ID species recognized 137368
species recognized Benthamia melanopoda Schltr.
ID basionym recognized 137368
basionym recognized Benthamia melanopoda Schltr.
ID genus cited 0
genus cited -
ID genus recognized 3484
genus recognized Cornus
Benthamia melanopoda Schltr. [2]
  Cornaceae - Cornoideae - Orchideae - Habenariinae
vernacular names
Cornus L. [337]
F.R.R. Schlechter, Blütenanal. Orch., vol. 68 (Afrikanische und madagassische Orchideen, Pl. 1-104 ): t. 11, fig. 41 (1932) [416]
epithet recognized species: melanopodus,-a,-um [8]
epithet cited species: melanopodus,-a,-um [8]
Illustration contributed by: Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz. Botanical Institute, University of Basel, Switzerland
2 137368 Benthamia melanopoda Schltr. Cornaceae
F.R.R. Schlechter, Blütenanal. Orch., vol. 68 (Afrikanische und madagassische Orchideen, Pl. 1-104 ): t. 11, fig. 41 (1932)