Cornus florida L.
Lounsberry, A., Rowan, E., guide to wild flowers (1899)
Guide Wild Fl. (Lounsberry)

t. 81
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Cornus florida L.

name cited:
Cornus florida L.
name recognized:
Cornus florida L.
drawing: E. Rowan
family: Cornaceae
epithet: floridus,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
New York Botanical Garden, U.S.A.
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homotypic synonyms:
Benthamia florida (L.) Nakai; Benthamidia florida (L.) Spach;
heterotypic synonyms:
Cynoxylon floridum (L.) Britton & Shafer; Cynoxylon floridum (L.) Raf.;
no HD illustration available (3)
no HD illustration available //
2 275583 Cornus florida L.
A. Lounsberry, E. Rowan, A guide to wild flowers: t. 81 (1899) [E. Rowan]