Erythrina fusca Lour. [ Erythrina glauca Willd.]
Little,, E.L., Wadsworth, F.H., Common trees of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
Common Trees Puerto Rico & Virgin Isl.

t. 83
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Erythrina fusca Lour.

name cited:
Erythrina glauca Willd.
name recognized:
Erythrina fusca Lour.
family: Papilionaceae
tribe: Erythrineae
epithet cited: glaucus,-a,-um

epithet recognized: fuscus,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
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contact about this record homotypic synonyms:
Corallodendron fuscum (Lour.) Kuntze;
heterotypic synonyms:
Chirocalyx pubescens Walp.; Corallodendron glaucum (Willd.) Kuntze; Corallodendron patens (DC.) Kuntze; Duchassaingia caffra Walp.; Duchassaingia glauca Walp.; Duchassaingia ovalifolia Walp.; Erythrina atrosanguinea Ridley; Erythrina caffra Blanco; Erythrina constantiana Micheli; Erythrina fissa C. Presl; Erythrina glauca Willd.; Erythrina indica sensu R.Vig.; Erythrina insignis Tod.; Erythrina moelebei Guillaumin & Beauv.; Erythrina ovalifolia Roxb.; Erythrina patens Moc. & Sessé ex DC.; Erythrina viarum Tod.;