Sessé, M., Mociño, M., Drawings from the Spanish Royal Expedition to New Spain (1787–1803) (Torner collection, Hunt Institute, Pittsburgh, U.S.A.) (1787-1803)
Draw. Roy. Exped. New Spain
f. 1
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Tradescantia zanonia (L.) Sw.
binominal name:
Telesto vaginata Sessé & Moc.
name recognized:
Tradescantia zanonia (L.) Sw. name recognized (basionym):
Commelina zanonia L.
cited non-linnean name:
epithet cited:
epithet recognized:
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homotypic synonyms:
Campelia zanonia (L.) Kunth; Commelina zanonia L.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Campelia bibracteata (J.Cramer) Wied-Neuw.; Campelia boucheana Schultes & Schultes f.; Campelia fastigiata Schltdl.; Campelia fendleri Hassk.; Campelia glabrata Kunth; Campelia hoffmannii Hassk.; Campelia mexicana Mart. ex Kunth; Campelia pseudozanonia Kunth; Campelia scandens Hassk.; Commelina bibracteata Wied-Neuw.; Commelina boucheana Roemer & Schultes; Commelina fastigiata Schlecht.; Commelina glabrata Kunth; Commelina hoffmanni Hassk.; Commelina mexicana Mart. ex Kunth; Commelina pseudo-zanonia Kunth; Dichorisandra albomarginata Linden; Dichorisandra marginata Schltdl.; Tradescantia capitata Sessé & Moc.; Tradescantia capitata Vell.; Tradescantia gentianifolia Salisb.; Tradescantia gonatandra Schltdl.; Zanonia bibracteata J.Cramer;