Echium vulgare L.
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ID illustration 352972
ID publication 4619
ID volume 5198
code scanning institute UGL
scanning institute University of Glasgow Library, U.K.
URL volume
ID species cited 373325
species cited Echium vulgare L.
ID basionym cited 373325
basionym cited Echium vulgare L.
ID species recognized 373325
species recognized Echium vulgare L.
ID basionym recognized 373325
basionym recognized Echium vulgare L.
ID genus cited 1563
genus cited Echium
ID genus recognized 1563
genus recognized Echium
Echium vulgare L. [57]
  Boraginaceae - Boraginioidae - Echieae -
vernacular names
Echium L. [214]
F.G. Hayne, Getreue Darstell. Gew., vol. 1 : t. 27 (1804) [50]
epithet recognized species: vulgaris,-is,-e [2277]
epithet cited species: vulgaris,-is,-e [2277]
Illustration contributed by: University of Glasgow Library, U.K.
2 373325 Echium vulgare L. Boraginaceae
F.G. Hayne, Getreue Darstell. Gew., vol. 1 : t. 27 (1804)