Astragalus atratus S. Watson
Watson, S., Eaton, D.C., Report of the Geological Exploration of the 40th Paralel, Botany (vol 5) (1857)
Botany [fortieth parallel]

vol. 5 (1871)
t. 11 (1871)
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Astragalus atratus S. Watson

name cited:
Astragalus atratus S. Watson
name recognized:
Astragalus atratus S. Watson
family: Papilionaceae
tribe: Galegeae
epithet: atratus,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, U.S.A.
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heterotypic synonyms:
Astragalus mensanus (M.E. Jones) Abrams; Tium atratum (S.Watson) Rydb.; Tium mensanum (M.E. Jones) Rydb.; Tragacantha atrata (S.Watson) Kuntze;
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