Aeschynanthus parviflorus (D. Don) Sprengel [ Aeschynanthus ramosissima Wall.]
Wight, R., Illustrations of Indian botany (1840-1850)
Ill. Ind. Bot.

vol. 2 (1850)
t. 159bis f. 11 (1850)
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Aeschynanthus parviflorus (D. Don) Sprengel

name cited:
Aeschynanthus ramosissima Wall.
name recognized:
Aeschynanthus parviflorus (D. Don) Sprengel
name recognized (basionym):
Trichosporum parviflorum D. Don
drawing: Govindoo
family: Gesneriaceae
subfamily: Didymocarpoideae
epithet cited: ramosissimus,-a,-um

epithet recognized: parviflorus,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, U.S.A.
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homotypic synonyms:
Trichosporum parviflorum D. Don;
heterotypic synonyms:
Aeschynanthus consobrinus Kraenzl.; Aeschynanthus maculatus Lindl.; Aeschynanthus ramosissima Wall.; Aeschynanthus sikkimensis (C.B. Clarke) Stapf; Trichosporum maculatum (Lindl.) Kuntze;
no full size  illustration available (3a)