Liriodendron tulipifera L.
Kerner, J.S., Darstellung vorzüglicher ausländischer Baeume and Gestraeuche (1796)
Darstell. Ausländ. Bäume

t. 56
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Liriodendron tulipifera L.

name cited:
Liriodendron tulipifera L.
name recognized:
Liriodendron tulipifera L.
family: Magnoliaceae
epithet cited: tulipiferus,-a,-um

epithet recognized:

Illustration contributed by:
New York Botanical Garden, U.S.A.
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heterotypic synonyms:
Liriodendron fastigiatum Dippel; Liriodendron procerum Salisb.; Liriodendron truncatifolium Stokes;
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2 611264 Liriodendron tulipifera L.
J.S. Kerner, Darstell. Ausländ. Bäume: t. 56 (1796)