Eragrostis cilianensis
Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch.
English: Stink-grass
ID recognized genus:
recognized genus:
Eragrostis Host
ID species:
391060 | wfo-0000867548 | 1104599-2
ID basionym:
published in:
ID publication:

homotypic synonyms:
Poa cilianensis All.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Briza eragrostis L.; Briza major L. ex Kunth; Briza megastachya (Koeler) hort. ex Roemer & Schultes; Briza megastachya Steudel; Briza oblonga Moench; Briza purpurascens Muhl.; Calotheca purpurascens (Muhl.) Sprengel; Eragrostis argentina Jedwabn.; Eragrostis articulata De Wild.; Eragrostis cilianensis (Bellardi) F.T. Hubb.; Eragrostis cilianensis (Bellardi) Link ex Vignolo; Eragrostis cilianensis (Bellardi) Mosher; Eragrostis costata B.L.Turner; Eragrostis eragrostis (L.) Blatt. & McCann; Eragrostis eragrostis (L.) MacMill.; Eragrostis flexuosa Steudel; Eragrostis leersioides (C. Presl) Guss.; Eragrostis leersioides (J. Presl) Steudel; Eragrostis major Host; Eragrostis megalostachya (Koeler) St.-Lag.; Eragrostis megastachya (Koeler) Link; Eragrostis monodii A.Camus; Eragrostis oblonga (Moench) Baumg.; Eragrostis pappii Gand.; Eragrostis polyadenia Mattei; Eragrostis polymorpha Roemer & Schultes; Eragrostis polysperma Peter; Eragrostis schweinfurthiana Jedwabn.; Eragrostis starosselskyi Grossh.; Eragrostis triticea (C. Presl) Steudel; Eragrostis virletii E.Fourn.; Eragrostis vulgaris C. Presl ex Steudel; Megastachya eragrostis (L.) Roemer & Schultes; Megastachya leersioides C. Presl; Megastachya oblonga (Moench) P. Beauv.; Megastachya obtusa Schultes; Megastachya purpurascens (Muhl.) Schultes; Megastachya triticea C. Presl; Poa cachectica Schum.; Poa eragrostis (L.) Brot.; Poa flava Willd. ex Steudel; Poa flexuosa Roxb.; Poa leersioides (J. Presl) Guss.; Poa megastachya Koeler; Poa nuttallii Sprengel; Poa oblonga (Moench) Baumg.; Poa obtusa Nutt.; Poa pennsylvanica Nutt.; Poa philadelphica W.P.C.Barton; Poa polymorpha J.Koenig ex Rottb.; Poa roxburghiana Schultes; Poa tortuosa Sprengel; Poa triticea (C. Presl) Guss.; Poa triticea (J. Presl) Kunth;

protologue: Mitt. Naturwiss. Vereins Univ. Wien 5: 110 (1907) [url checked 20210603]

3936116 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [125 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
R. Dodoens [Dodonaeus ], Stirp. Hist. Pempt.: p. 551, fig. 4 (1583)
4368696 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [125 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 5999MPM.HB.05999 (1553-1601)
2374386 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [125 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
C. Clusius, Rar. Pl. Hist., vol. 2 fasicle 6, : p. 218, fig. 1 (1601)
2476096 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [125 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
J. Barrellier, Pl. Galliam Hispaniam Italiam Obs.: t. 41-44, fig. 43 (1714)
2482056 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [125 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
J. Barrellier, Pl. Galliam Hispaniam Italiam Obs.: t. 741-744, fig. 743 (1714)
2482066 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [125 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
J. Barrellier, Pl. Galliam Hispaniam Italiam Obs.: t. 741-744, fig. 744 (1714)
4638765 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [116 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (India): t. 843 (1780-1815)
4611385 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [116 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (Kew): t. 843 (1780-1815)
1670265 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [116 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
C. Allioni, Fl. Pedem., vol. 3 : t. 91, fig. 2 (1785)
1884646 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [125 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
Plant. Indig. Exot., vol. 5 : t. 18 (1792)
4706616 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [125 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
A.J. Krocker, Fl. Siles., vol. 1 : t. 27 (1793)
845616 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [125 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
N.T. Host, Icon. Descr. Gram. Austriac., vol. 4 : t. 24 (1809)
3806476 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [125 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
S. Elliott, Sketch Bot. S. Carolina, vol. 2 : t. 10, fig. 1 (1824)
4864486 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [125 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Agrostogr. Germ. (Centuria I ): t. 91, fig. 1662 (1834-1836) [n.a.]
4211366 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [125 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
A. Fiori, G. Paoletti, Iconogr. Fl. Ital.: p. 37, t. 2771, fig. 3 (1895-1904)
4174266 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [125 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
A. Fiori, G. Paoletti, Iconogr. Fl. Ital.: p. 37, t. 277, fig. 2 (1895-1904)
1922636 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [125 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
J.M. Wood, M.S. Evans, Natal Pl., vol. 5 : t. 420 (1904)
3546585 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [125 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
P.C. Standley, J.A. Steyermark, Fl. Guatemala, vol. 2 : p. 120, fig. 35 (1946-1977)
431737Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. {81 813889 Poa cilianensis All.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 87 (1972) [from Hitchcock & Chase]
2744621 391060 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Janch. [125 813889 Poa cilianensis All.]
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., vol. 94 : p. 763, fig. 11A-C (2007) [cTr -> Cindy Roché]

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