Leucothoe racemosa
Eubotrys racemosa Nutt.
ID recognized genus:
recognized genus:
Leucothoe D. Don
ID species:
409954 | wfo-0000680979 | 330385-1
ID basionym:
published in:
ID publication:
n.s., 8

heterotypic synonyms:
Andromeda paniculata Willd.; Andromeda racemosa L.; Andromeda speciosa Willd. ex Steudel;

protologue: Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. n.s., 8: 269 (1843)

515328 Eubotrys racemosa test 13 Nutt. [Andromeda racemosa test 14 L.]
M. Catesby, M. Houttuyn, Marc Catesby Original Watercoulors, vol. 2 : t. 43, fig. 1 (1736)
Leucothoe racemosa test 8 (L.) A. Gray
M. Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolina, ed. 2, vol. 2 : t. 43 (1754)
Leucothoe racemosa (L.) A. Gray
[Frutex foliis serratis floribus longioribus spicatis subviridibus spica pentagona]
M. Catesby, Hort. Brit.-Amer. (reissue 1767): t. 46 (1767)
50856116 409954 Eubotrys racemosa Nutt.
P.J. Buchoz, Herb. Color. Amérique: t. 108 (1783)
3451305 409954 Eubotrys racemosa Nutt.
F. Guimpel, F. Otto, F.G. Hayne, Abbild. Fremd. Holzart.: t. 57 (1809-1829) [F. Guimpel]
3114085 409954 Eubotrys racemosa Nutt.
B. Maund, Bot. Gard., vol. 10 : t. 233, fig. 2 (1843) [Mills]
Leucothoe racemosa test 8 (L.) A. Gray
Helen Sharp, Water-color Sketches Amer. Pl.: (1888-1910) [Helen Sharp]
Leucothoe racemosa test 8 (L.) A. Gray
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 605 a-d (1972) [V. Frazier]

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