Hymenocallis ovata
Hymenocallis ovata (Miller) M. Roemer
ID recognized genus:
recognized genus:
Hymenocallis Salisb.
ID species:
542292 | wfo-0000667494 | 65288-1
ID basionym:
published in:
ID publication:
ID volume:

homotypic synonyms:
Hymenocallis ovata (Miller) Sweet; Pancratium ovatum Miller;
heterotypic synonyms:
Hymenocallis amoena Herb.; Hymenocallis ovalifolia Herb.; Hymenocallis spiralis J.Lee ex Herb.; Pancratium amoenum Andrews; Pancratium ovalifolium (Herb.) Steudel;

protologue: Fam. Nat. Syn. Monogr. 4: 169 (1847)

1115235 542292 Hymenocallis ovata (Miller) M. Roemer [116 740786 Pancratium ovatum Miller]
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 9 : t. 556 (1809) [H.C. Andrews]
967966 542292 Hymenocallis ovata (Miller) M. Roemer [125 740786 Pancratium ovatum Miller]
S.T. Edwards, Bot. Reg., vol. 1 : t. 43 (1815) [S. Edwards]
1451546 542292 Hymenocallis ovata (Miller) M. Roemer [125 740786 Pancratium ovatum Miller]
C.L. Loddiges, Bot. Cab., vol. 6 : t. 510 (1827) [G. Cooke]
1449305 542292 Hymenocallis ovata (Miller) M. Roemer [116 740786 Pancratium ovatum Miller]
C.L. Loddiges, Bot. Cab., vol. 3 : t. 286 (1827) [G. Loddiges]

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