Rhaphidophora 崖角藤属
Rhaphidophora Hassk. [Araceae]
100 Indomal. to New Caled.

Synonymous genera:
  1. Afrorhaphidophora Engl. (1906)
  2. Raphidophora Hassk. (1842)
  3. Raphidophora auctt. (1842)

99 genera

0Araceae indet.[24]
1Acorus2OW & N Am.[83][0]
2Aglaodorum1Borneo, Malay Penin., Sumatra[3][0]
4Alocasia70Indomal. to Aus., cult.[135][0]
6Amorphophallus90OW tropics[142][0]
7Amydrium5SE As., Mal.[8][0]
9Anaphyllum2S India[3][0]
10Anchomanes10trop. Afr.[9][0]
11Anthurium600trop. Am.[387][0]
12Anubias7C & trop. W Afr.[22][0]
15Arisaema150E Afr., trop. & E As., W N Am.[211][0]
18Arum15Eur., Medit.[147][0]
21Bognera1Amazonian Brazil[0][0]
23Caladium7trop. S Am.[80][0]
24Calla1Eur., N. Amer.[51][0]
25Callopsis1Kenya, Tanzania[3][0]
27Cercestis10trop. W Afr.[12][0]
28Chlorospatha10trop. Am.[3][0]
29Colletogyne1NW Madag.[0][0]
30Colocasia6trop. As., cult.[76][0]
31Cryptocoryne50India, Srilanka, to New Guinea[52][0]
32Culcasia15trop. Afr., esp. W & C[25][0]
33Cyrtosperma11Indomal., Oceania; Am. = new genus[16][0]
34Dieffenbachia20Mex., C Am., trop. S Am. to N Arg.[95][0]
35Dracontioides1SE & E Brazil[2][0]
36Dracontium15trop. Am.[48][0]
37Dracunculus3Medit., incl. Eur.[64][0]
38Eminium7E Medit. to C As.[13][0]
39Epipremnum10SE As. to W. Pacific[26][0]
40Filarum1amazonian Peru [0][0]
42Gonatopus5trop. & S Afr.[5][0]
43Gorgonidium3Peru, Bolivia, N Arg.[1][0]
44Gymnostachys1E Aus.[6][0]
45Hapaline5Indomal., SE As.[10][0]
47Heteropsis13trop. S Am.[10][0]
48Holochlamys1New Guinea[3][0]
49Homalomena100trop. As. & Am.[75][0]
51Jasarum1Venez., Guyana[0][0]
52Lasia3Indomal.; 1 only know from Bogor botanic garden, Java[11][0]
53Lasiomorpha1Senegal to Angola[5][0]
54Lysichiton2Kamchatka, Sakhalin & Kuriles (1); W N Am. (1)[6][0]
55Mangonia1S Brazil, Uruguay, [1][0]
56Monstera22trop. Am.[44][0]
57Montrichardia1trop. S Am., WI[16][0]
58Nephthytis8Borneo (1); trop. Afr. (7)[12][0]
59Orontium0E N Am.[16][0]
60Peltandra3E N Am.[12][0]
61Philodendron300trop. Am.[258][0]
63Pinellia6China, Japan[22][0]
64Piptospatha10Borneo, Malay Penin.[7][0]
65Pistia1Pantropical. [50][0]
66Podolasia1W Mal.[2][0]
67Pothoidium1C Mal.[3][0]
68Pothos50OW tropics[72][0]
70Pseudodracontium7SE As.[5][0]
71Pseudohydrosme2trop. W Afr.[2][0]
72Pycnospatha2Laos, Thailand, Vietnam[2][0]
73Remusatia3trop. Afr., Himal., Assam, SE As., Taiwan[20][0]
74Rhaphidophora100Indomal. to New Caled.[68][0]
75Rhodospatha10trop. Am.[11][0]
76Sauromatum2trop. OW[0][0]
77Scaphispatha1Bolivia, Brazil[0][0]
78Schismatoglottis100trop. As. (100); trop. Am. (3)[49][0]
79Scindapsus31SE As, Mal. (30); Brazil (1)[25][0]
80Spathantheum2N Arg., Bolivia, Peru[2][0]
81Spathicarpa6NE Brazil to N Argentina, Paraguay[10][0]
82Spathiphyllum30trop. Am., C Mal. to Solomons[49][0]
83Stenospermation25trop. Am.[10][0]
84Steudnera8Himal., Assam, SE As., Malay Penin.[10][0]
85Stylochaeton10trop. & subtrop. Afr., esp. Tanzania[13][0]
86Symplocarpus1NE As., NE N Am.[27][0]
87Synandrospadix1Andean N Arg. & Bolivia[2][0]
88Syngonium30Mex. to SE Brazil[25][0]
89Taccarum4N S Am.[5][0]
90Theriophonum5S India, Sri Lanka[14][0]
91Typhonium30SE As., Indomal., NE Aus.[93][0]
92Typhonodorum1Madag., Masc., Zanzibar, Mauritius[11][0]
93Ulearum1Upper Amazonia[4][0]
94Urospatha5trop. Am.[11][0]
95Xanthosoma45trop. Am., cult.[50][0]
97Zantedeschia6trop. & S Afr.[83][0]
98Zomicarpa3S Brazil[10][0]
There were 98 accepted species found [distribution filter: global; grouped by species]

1 Raphidophora africana N.E. Br. distributionfilter: global
links:    Google   Flickr

2 Rhaphidophora acuminata Merr. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora lagunensis Elmer;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

3 Rhaphidophora africana N.E. Br. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Afrorhaphidophora africana (N.E. Br.) Engl.; Afrorhaphidophora pusilla (N.E. Br.) Engl.; Rhaphidophora pusilla N.E. Br.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

4 Rhaphidophora angustata Schott distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora laetevirens Ridley; Rhaphidophora pteropoda (Teijsm. & Binnend.) Engl.; Scindapsus pteropodus Teijsm. & Binnend.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

5 Rhaphidophora araea P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
510873873822 Rhaphidophora australasica F.M.Bailey
Ellis Rowan, Flower & Bird paintings: (1870-1921)
1792586 873822 Rhaphidophora australasica F.M.Bailey
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 43, fig. 18 (1908)
2910822 873822 Rhaphidophora australasica F.M.Bailey
W. Cooper, W.T. Cooper, Fruits Austral. Trop. Rainforest: p. 62, fig. 1 (2004) [W.T. Cooper]

6 Rhaphidophora australasica F.M.Bailey distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora hollrungii Engl.; Rhaphidophora iboensis K.Krause;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

7 Rhaphidophora balgooyi P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

8 Rhaphidophora banosensis P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora stenophylla Elmer;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3276302 873826 Rhaphidophora beccarii (Engl.) Engl. [80 390404 Epipremnum beccarii Engl.]
O. Beccari, Malesia, vol. 1 : t. 19, fig. 6-9 (1877-1883) [H.G.A. Engler & O. Beccari]
1792602 873826 Rhaphidophora beccarii (Engl.) Engl. [80 390404 Epipremnum beccarii Engl.]
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 46, fig. 20 (1908)

9 Rhaphidophora beccarii (Engl.) Engl. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Epipremnum beccarii Engl.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora borneensis Engl.; Rhaphidophora fluminea Ridley;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

10 Rhaphidophora bonii Engl. & K.Krause distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

11 Rhaphidophora brevispathacea Engl. & K.Krause distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

14 Rhaphidophora conica Engl. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora pallidivenia Alderw.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

16 Rhaphidophora corneri P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

17 Rhaphidophora crassicaulis Engl. & K.Krause distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1792451 873845 Rhaphidophora crassifolia Hook.f. [125 390408 Epipremnum crassifolium Engl.]
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 23, fig. 5 (1908)

18 Rhaphidophora crassifolia Hook.f. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

20 Rhaphidophora cretosa P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
511854873849 Rhaphidophora cryptantha P.C.Boyce & C.M.Allen
Ellis Rowan, Flower & Bird paintings: , fig. 2 (1916)

21 Rhaphidophora cryptantha P.C.Boyce & C.M.Allen distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1792482 873851 Rhaphidophora cylindrosperma Engl. & K.Krause
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 27, fig. 8 (1908)

22 Rhaphidophora cylindrosperma Engl. & K.Krause distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

23 Rhaphidophora dahlii Engl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3307582 873853 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxb.) Schott [80 834329 Pothos decursivus Roxb.]
M. North, Paintings M. North: () [M. North]
4642796 873853 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxb.) Schott [125 834329 Pothos decursivus Roxb.]
Icones Bot. Gard. Calcutta: ()
4642802 873853 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxb.) Schott [80 834329 Pothos decursivus Roxb.]
Icones Bot. Gard. Calcutta: ()
4642812 873853 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxb.) Schott [80 834329 Pothos decursivus Roxb.]
Icones Bot. Gard. Calcutta: ()
4642826 873853 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxb.) Schott [125 834329 Pothos decursivus Roxb.]
Icones Bot. Gard. Calcutta: ()
4642896 873853 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxb.) Schott [125 834329 Pothos decursivus Roxb.]
Icones Bot. Gard. Calcutta: ()

3022512 873853 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxb.) Schott [80 834329 Pothos decursivus Roxb.]
Photo Max Antheunisse, India, Sikkim

3022522 873853 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxb.) Schott [80 834329 Pothos decursivus Roxb.]
Photo Max Antheunisse, India, Sikkim
4637145 873853 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxb.) Schott [116 834329 Pothos decursivus Roxb.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (India): t. 2118 (1780-1815)
4612095 873853 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxb.) Schott [116 834329 Pothos decursivus Roxb.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (Kew): t. 2118 (1780-1815)
465275 873853 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxb.) Schott [116 834329 Pothos decursivus Roxb.]
R. Wight, , Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient., vol. 3 : t. 779 (1846) [n.a.]
599522 873853 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxb.) Schott [80 834329 Pothos decursivus Roxb.]
H.W. Schott, Gen. Aroid.: t. 77 (1858) [J. Seboth]
599536 873853 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxb.) Schott [125 834329 Pothos decursivus Roxb.]
H.W. Schott, Gen. Aroid.: t. 77 (1858) [J. Seboth]
48252 873853 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxb.) Schott [80 834329 Pothos decursivus Roxb.]
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 119 [ser. 3, vol. 49]: t. 7282 (1893) [M. Smith]

24 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxb.) Schott distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Monstera decursiva (Roxb.) Schott; Pothos decursivus Roxb.; Raphidophora decursiva (Roxb.) A. Schott; Scindapsus decursivus (Roxb.) Schott;
heterotypic synonyms:
Monstera multijuga K. Koch ex Ender; Rhaphidophora affinis Schott; Rhaphidophora eximia Schott; Rhaphidophora grandis Schott; Rhaphidophora insignis Schott;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

25 Rhaphidophora discolor Engl. & K.Krause distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora oreophila Engl. & K.Krause;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

29 Rhaphidophora elmeri Engl. & K.Krause distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

30 Rhaphidophora falcata Ridley distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

31 Rhaphidophora floresensis P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1792592 873868 Rhaphidophora foraminifera (Engl.) Engl. [80 390414 Epipremnum foraminiferum Engl.]
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 45, fig. 19 (1908)

32 Rhaphidophora foraminifera (Engl.) Engl. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Epipremnum foraminiferum Engl.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

34 Rhaphidophora fortis P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1792472 873873 Rhaphidophora geniculata Engl.
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 26, fig. 7 (1908)

35 Rhaphidophora geniculata Engl. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora wentii Engl. & K.Krause;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4642832 873875 Rhaphidophora glauca (Wall.) Schott [80 834352 Pothos glaucus Wall.]
Icones Bot. Gard. Calcutta: ()
108515 873875 Rhaphidophora glauca (Wall.) Schott [116 834352 Pothos glaucus Wall.]
N. Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar., vol. 2 : t. 156 (1831) [Vishnupersaud]
442907873875 Rhaphidophora glauca (Wall.) Schott
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., ser. 2, vol. 16(): : p. 276 (1999) [C. Sobel]
442908873875 Rhaphidophora glauca (Wall.) Schott
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., ser. 2, vol. 16(): : p. 278 (1999) [C. Sobel]
442933873875 Rhaphidophora glauca (Wall.) Schott
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., ser. 2, vol. 16(): : t. 377 (1999) [C. Sobel]

36 Rhaphidophora glauca (Wall.) Schott distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Pothos glaucus Wall.; Scindapsus glaucus (Wall.) Schott;
heterotypic synonyms:
Monstera glauca K. Koch ex Ender; Pothos wallichii Steudel;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

37 Rhaphidophora gorokensis P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

38 Rhaphidophora guamensis P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

39 Rhaphidophora hayi P.C.Boyce & Bogner distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

40 Rhaphidophora honkongensis Schott distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Pothos obliquus Wall. ex Hook.f.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4642852 873890 Rhaphidophora hookeri Schott
Icones Bot. Gard. Calcutta: ()
1792522 873890 Rhaphidophora hookeri Schott
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 32, fig. 12 (1908)

41 Rhaphidophora hookeri Schott distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

42 Rhaphidophora intonsa P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

43 Rhaphidophora intrusa P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

44 Rhaphidophora jubata P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

45 Rhaphidophora kokodensis P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1479636 873905 Rhaphidophora korthalsii Schott
L.B. Van Houtte, Fl. Serres, vol. 23 : t. 0 (1845)
3274086 873905 Rhaphidophora korthalsii Schott
O. Beccari, Malesia, vol. 1 : t. 20, fig. 1-5 (1877-1883) [H.G.A. Engler & O. Beccari]
1138186 873905 Rhaphidophora korthalsii Schott
Ill. Hort., vol. 30 : t. 496 (1883) [P. de Pannemaeker]
3168646 873905 Rhaphidophora korthalsii Schott
Rev. Hort. (Paris), ser. 4, vol. 56 (56e ANNÉE - 1884): (1884)
1554536 873905 Rhaphidophora korthalsii Schott
A.J. Kerner von Marilaun, A. Hansen, Pflanzenleben, vol. 1 : p. 164 (1887-1891)
1792612 873905 Rhaphidophora korthalsii Schott
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 50, fig. 21 (1908)

47 Rhaphidophora korthalsii Schott distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Epipremnum multicephalum Elmer; Pothos bifarius Wall. ex Hook.f.; Pothos celatocaulis N.E. Br.; Rhaphidophora celatocaulis (N.E. Br.) Alderw.; Rhaphidophora copelandii Engl.; Rhaphidophora grandifolia K.Krause; Rhaphidophora grandis Ridley; Rhaphidophora latifolia Alderw.; Rhaphidophora maxima Engl.; Rhaphidophora palawanensis Merr.; Rhaphidophora ridleyi Merr.; Rhaphidophora trinervia Elmer; Rhaphidophora trukensis Hosok.; Scindapsus anomalus Carrière;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4820652 873919 Rhaphidophora lobbii Schott
K. Watanabe, Ill. Useful Pl. South. Reg., vol. 2(1): (Edible plants): t. 626 (1945)

50 Rhaphidophora lobbii Schott distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Scindapsus lobbii (Schott) Ender;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

52 Rhaphidophora maingayi Hook.f. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora apiculata Alderw.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

53 Rhaphidophora manipurensis Engl. & K.Krause distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1792492 873927 Rhaphidophora megasperma Engl.
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 28, fig. 9 (1908)

55 Rhaphidophora megasperma Engl. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora jaculiformis Alderw.; Rhaphidophora subfalcata M.Hotta; Scindapsus havilandii Ridley;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

57 Rhaphidophora microspadix K.Krause distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora nutans Ridley;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

58 Rhaphidophora mima P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1792442 873932 Rhaphidophora minor Hook.f.
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 22, fig. 4 (1908)

59 Rhaphidophora minor Hook.f. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora celebica K.Krause;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1792542 873933 Rhaphidophora moluccensis Engl. & K.Krause
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 36, fig. 14 (1908)

60 Rhaphidophora moluccensis Engl. & K.Krause distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3038452 873934 Rhaphidophora montana (Blume) Schott [80 179152 Calla montana Blume]
Naturalis: ()
599546 873934 Rhaphidophora montana (Blume) Schott [125 179152 Calla montana Blume]
H.W. Schott, Gen. Aroid.: t. 78 (1858) [E. Nickelli]
1835706 873934 Rhaphidophora montana (Blume) Schott [125 179152 Calla montana Blume]
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[1]): [Heft 21], (Araceae - Pothoideae): p. 48, fig. 19 G-R (1905)

61 Rhaphidophora montana (Blume) Schott distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Anadendrum montanum (Blume) Schott; Calla montana Blume; Scindapsus montanus (Blume) Kunth;
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora angulata (Miq.) Schott; Rhaphidophora burkilliana Ridley; Rhaphidophora fallax Schott; Scindapsus angulatus Miq.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

62 Rhaphidophora monticola K.Krause distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora bulusanensis Elmer;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1792436 873938 Rhaphidophora neoguineensis Engl.
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 21, fig. 3 (1908)

63 Rhaphidophora neoguineensis Engl. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora novoguineensis Engl.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

64 Rhaphidophora nicolsonii P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

65 Rhaphidophora okapensis P.C.Boyce & Bogner distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

67 Rhaphidophora ovoidea A. Chev. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

68 Rhaphidophora pachyphylla K.Krause distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4642786 873957 Rhaphidophora peepla (Roxb.) Schott [125 834452 Pothos peepla Roxb.]
Icones Bot. Gard. Calcutta: ()
4637126 873957 Rhaphidophora peepla (Roxb.) Schott [125 834452 Pothos peepla Roxb.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (India): t. 2116 (1780-1815)
4612146 873957 Rhaphidophora peepla (Roxb.) Schott [125 834452 Pothos peepla Roxb.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (Kew): t. 2116 (1780-1815)
465285 873957 Rhaphidophora peepla (Roxb.) Schott [125 834452 Pothos peepla Roxb.]
R. Wight, , Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient., vol. 3 : t. 780 (1846) [n.a.]

70 Rhaphidophora peepla (Roxb.) Schott distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Pothos peepla Roxb.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Monstera peepla (Roxb.) Schott; Pothos peeplus Roxb.; Pothos pipla Schultes; Rhaphidophora lancifolia Schott; Scindapsus peepla (Roxb.) Schott;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1792562 873959 Rhaphidophora peeploides Engl.
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 39, fig. 16 (1908)

71 Rhaphidophora peeploides Engl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

72 Rhaphidophora perkinsiae Engl. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora liukiuensis Hatus.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4642842 873961 Rhaphidophora pertusa (Roxb.) Schott [80 834459 Pothos pertusus Roxb.]
Icones Bot. Gard. Calcutta: ()
1233976 873961 Rhaphidophora pertusa (Roxb.) Schott [125 834459 Pothos pertusus Roxb.]
H.A. van Rheede tot Drakestein, Hort. Ind. Malab., vol. 12 : t. 20 (1703)
1233986 873961 Rhaphidophora pertusa (Roxb.) Schott [125 834459 Pothos pertusus Roxb.]
H.A. van Rheede tot Drakestein, Hort. Ind. Malab., vol. 12 : t. 21 (1703)
4637136 873961 Rhaphidophora pertusa (Roxb.) Schott [125 834459 Pothos pertusus Roxb.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (India): t. 983 (1780-1815)
4612156 873961 Rhaphidophora pertusa (Roxb.) Schott [125 834459 Pothos pertusus Roxb.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (Kew): t. 983 (1780-1815)
465296 873961 Rhaphidophora pertusa (Roxb.) Schott [125 834459 Pothos pertusus Roxb.]
R. Wight, , Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient., vol. 3 : t. 781 (1846) [ontbreekt]
62740Rhaphidophora pertusa (Roxb.) Schott [Scindapsus pertusus (Roxb.) Schott] {80 834459 Pothos pertusus Roxb.}
M. Blanco, Fl. Filip., ed. 3, vol. 2 (Atlas): t. 339 (1875)
3168216 873961 Rhaphidophora pertusa (Roxb.) Schott [125 834459 Pothos pertusus Roxb.]
Rev. Hort. (Paris), ser. 4, vol. 55 (55e ANNÉE - 1883): p. 561, fig. 111 (1883)
1627012 873961 Rhaphidophora pertusa (Roxb.) Schott [80 834459 Pothos pertusus Roxb.]
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 5 : t. 1006 (1918)

73 Rhaphidophora pertusa (Roxb.) Schott distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Monstera pertusa (Roxb.) Schott; Pothos pertusus Roxb.; Scindapsus pertusus (Roxb.) Schott;
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora lacera Hassk.; Scindapsus peepla Thwaites;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

75 Rhaphidophora philippinensis Engl. & K.Krause distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora rigida K.Krause;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

76 Rhaphidophora pilosa P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1792506 873970 Rhaphidophora puberula Engl.
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 29, fig. 10 (1908)

77 Rhaphidophora puberula Engl. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora batoeensis Engl. & K.Krause; Rhaphidophora gracilipes Hook.f.; Rhaphidophora hallieri Alderw.; Rhaphidophora kunstleri Hook.f.; Rhaphidophora pilosula Alderw.; Rhaphidophora scaberula Alderw.; Rhaphidophora scortechinii Hook.f.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

78 Rhaphidophora sabit P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1792552 873977 Rhaphidophora sarasinorum Engl.
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 38, fig. 15 (1908)

79 Rhaphidophora sarasinorum Engl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

80 Rhaphidophora schlechteri K.Krause distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora buergersii Engl. & K.Krause; Rhaphidophora conferta K.Krause; Rhaphidophora drepanophylla Alderw.; Rhaphidophora obliquata Alderw.; Rhaphidophora peekelii Engl. & K.Krause;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4642862 873980 Rhaphidophora schottii Hook.f.
Icones Bot. Gard. Calcutta: ()
1792572 873980 Rhaphidophora schottii Hook.f.
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 42, fig. 17 (1908)

81 Rhaphidophora schottii Hook.f. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1792516 873982 Rhaphidophora spathacea Schott
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 31, fig. 11 (1908)

82 Rhaphidophora spathacea Schott distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora apiculata K.Krause; Rhaphidophora engleri Kaneh.; Rhaphidophora forbesii Rendle; Rhaphidophora kanehirae Hatus.; Rhaphidophora oblongifolia Schott; Rhaphidophora palauensis Engl. & K.Krause; Rhaphidophora palauensis Koidz.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

83 Rhaphidophora spuria (Schott) Nicolson distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Cuscuaria spuria Schott;
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora graeffei Engl.; Rhaphidophora reineckei Engl.; Rhaphidophora storckiana Schott;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

84 Rhaphidophora stenophylla K.Krause distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

85 Rhaphidophora stolleana Engl. & K.Krause distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

86 Rhaphidophora sulcata Gagnep. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1792462 873990 Rhaphidophora sylvestris (Blume) Engl. [80 179171 Calla sylvestris Blume]
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 24, fig. 6 (1908)

87 Rhaphidophora sylvestris (Blume) Engl. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Calla sylvestris Blume; Scindapsus sylvestris (Blume) Kunth;
heterotypic synonyms:
Monstera lingulata K. Koch ex Endler; Rhaphidophora angustifolia Schott; Rhaphidophora gratissima Becc.; Rhaphidophora lingulata (Hassk.) Schott; Rhaphidophora motleyana Engl. & K.Krause; Rhaphidophora nigrescens Ridley; Rhaphidophora wrayi Hook.f.; Scindapsus angustifolius Hassk.; Scindapsus aruensis Engl.; Scindapsus fragilis Elmer; Scindapsus lingulatus Hassk.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

89 Rhaphidophora tenuis Engl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1792532 873996 Rhaphidophora teysmanniana Engl. & K.Krause
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[2]): [Heft 37], (Araceae - Monsteroideae- Calloideae): p. 35, fig. 13 (1908)

92 Rhaphidophora teysmanniana Engl. & K.Krause distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

93 Rhaphidophora todayensis K.Krause distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

94 Rhaphidophora tonkinensis Engl. & K.Krause distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

95 Rhaphidophora typha P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

96 Rhaphidophora ustulata P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

97 Rhaphidophora versteegii Engl. & K.Krause distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Rhaphidophora ledermannii Engl. & K.Krause;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

98 Rhaphidophora waria P.C.Boyce distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
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