Arctium 牛蒡属
Arctium L. [Compositae-Cichorioideae-Cardueae-Carduinae]
10 OW temp., widely intr.

Sp. Pl. 2: 816 (1753)
[Species plantarum]
  1. Flora of China, vol. 20 (Cardueae): (2011)

Synonymous genera:
  1. Lappa Scop. (1754)

1048 genera

0Compositae indet.[246]
1Aaronsohnia2N Afr.[0][0]
2Abrotanella15Rodriques, New Guinea, Aus., NZ, temp. S Am.[7][0]
3Acanthocephalus2Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, C As.[1][0]
5Acantholepis1SW & C As.[0][0]
6Acanthospermum6trop. Am., WI; 1 trop. weed[13][0]
7Achillea100Euras..; few nat. N Am. & S Hemisphere[360][0]
9Achnopogon3Venez., Guyana[1][0]
10Achyrachaena1NW US[0][0]
11Achyrocline30trop. Am., Afr., Madag., but esp. S & C Am.[6][0]
12Achyrothalamus1Kenya, Tanzania[0][0]
14Acourtia60S US to C Am, WI[17][0]
16Actinoseris6SE Brazil, Uruguay, NE Arg.[0][0]
17Adelostigma2trop. Afr.[2][0]
18Adenanthellum1S Afr.[1][0]
19Adenocaulon6W N Am, Guatemala, Arg., Chile, India, Nepal, E As.[2][0]
20Adenoglossa1NW cape[0][0]
23Adenostemma20trop. Am., Afr.; 1 pantrop. weed[24][0]
24Adenostemma20trop. Am., Afr., 1 pantropical weed[0][0]
25Adenothamnus1lower Calif.[0][0]
26Aedesia3trop. Afr.[1][0]
27Aegopordon1SW As.[0][0]
28Aetheorhiza1Medit. inc. Eur., Middle East, intr. elsewhere[1][0]
30Ageratina200E US, C & W S Am., 2 nat. OW[52][0]
31Ageratinastrum5trop. Afr.[0][0]
32Ageratum40trop. Am.; 1 pantrop. weed[45][0]
33Agoseris15W N Am, temp. S Am.[10][0]
35Ainsliaea40India, China, Japan, Taiwan, SE As. to W Mal.[65][0]
36Alatoseta1S Afr.[0][0]
39Alciope3SW Cape[1][0]
40Aldama2Mex., C Am., N S Am.[1][0]
41Alepidocline4C Am.[1][0]
42Alfredia5C-E As.[6][0]
43Allagopappus2Canary Is.[1][0]
44Allardia8Afghanistan, C As., Mongolia, China, Tibet, Himal.[3][0]
45Allopterigeron1trop. Aus.[1][0]
47Alvordia4Calif., Mex.[0][0]
48Amauria3California, Mex.[1][0]
49Amblyocarpum1Fischer & C.Meyer[0][0]
50Amblyopappus1Calif., NW Mex., Peru, Chile[2][0]
51Amboroa2Bolivia, Peru[0][0]
52Ambrosia40N & S Am., several weeds[64][0]
53Amellus12S Afr.[7][0]
54Ammobium3E Aus., cult.[8][0]
55Amphiachyris2C US, Texas[2][0]
56Amphiglossa4S Afr.[0][0]
57Amphipappus1SW US[1][0]
58Amphoricarpos3SE Eur. to Caucasus[5][0]
59Anacantha2C As.[1][0]
60Anacyclus10Med., incl. Eur.[52][0]
61Anaphalis100As., N Am., natur. Eur.[45][0]
63Anaxeton10SW Cape[3][0]
64Ancathia1C As., China, Mongolia[3][0]
65Andryala20Med.,S Eur., N Afr., Canary Is., Middle East[30][0]
67Angelphytum14Brazil, Arg., Paraguay[0][0]
68Angianthus17S Aus.[8][0]
69Anisochaeta1S Afr.[1][0]
70Anisocoma1SW US[0][0]
71Anisopappus30trop. & S Afr., Madag.; 1 China[24][0]
72Anisothrix1S Afr.[0][0]
73Antennaria50temp. & warm, not in Afr.[70][0]
75Anthemis150Eur., As., N Am., N Afr.; 1 also in E Afr.[265][0]
76Antiphiona2trop. & SW Afr.[1][0]
78Anvillea2N Afr., Middle East[2][0]
79Aphanactis8trop. Am.[1][0]
80Aphanostephus5US, Mex.[5][0]
83Archibaccharis25Mex., C Am. [5][0]
85Arctium10OW temp., widely intr.[101][0]
86Arctotheca4S Afr.; 2 nat. in Aus.; 1 in Eur. [16][0]
87Arctotis50S. Afr., Namibia, Angola; few intr. or cult.[97][0]
88Argentipallium6Aus., Tasm.[2][0]
89Argyranthemum20Madeira, Canary Is., Salvage Is.[23][0]
90Argyroxiphium5Hawaii & Maui[13][0]
91Arnaldoa3Peruvian Andes[1][0]
92Arnica32N temp. & artic, incl. 2 Eur.[75][0]
94Arnoglossum7E US[6][0]
96Arrhenechthites7mts of Celebes & New Guinea, Aus. alps[2][0]
97Arrojadocharis2E Brazil[0][0]
98Artemisia300esp. N Hemisphere; also S Am., trop. & S Afr., Hawaii[542][0]
99Artemisiopsis1S trop. Afr.[1][0]
100Arthemisiella1Himal. to China[0][0]
102Aster200Am., Hawaii, temp. Euras., S Afr., Madag.[421][0]
103Asteriscus3Med., incl. 2 Eur.[48][0]
104Astranthium10S US & Mex.[3][0]
105Athanasia50trop. & S Afr.[26][0]
106Athrixia14trop. & S Afr.[8][0]
107Athroisma10OW tropics[3][0]
108Atractylis30S Eur., SW As., N Afr., Canary Is.[31][0]
109Atractylodes11E As.[6][0]
110Atrichantha1SW Cape[0][0]
111Atrichoseris1SW US[0][0]
112Austroeupatorium15S trop. S Am. to Uruguay[1][0]
115Baccharis350S & N Am.[111][0]
116Baeriopsis1lower Calif.[0][0]
117Bahia13SW US, Mex., Chile[6][0]
118Baileya3SW US, Mex.[1][0]
119Balduina3SE US[0][0]
120Balsamorhiza14W US, SW Canada, Mex.[3][0]
121Baltimora2trop. Am.[6][0]
122Barckleyanthus1S US, Mex., C Am.[0][0]
123Barnadesia23S Am., esp. trop. Andes[40][0]
124Bartlettia1SW N Am.[0][0]
125Basedowia1C Aus.[0][0]
126Bebbia2SW US, NW Mex.[0][0]
127Bellida1SW Aus.[1][0]
129Bellium4Medit., incl. 3 Eur., some cult. [5][0]
130Berardia1W Alps[1][0]
131Berkheya60trop. & S Afr.[49][0]
132Berlandiera4S US & Mex.[2][0]
133Berroa1subtrop. S Am.[1][0]
134Bidens200cosmop., esp. N & S Am.[271][0]
135Bigelowia2N Am.[1][0]
138Bishopiella1E Brazil[0][0]
139Bishovia2Arg., Bolivia[0][0]
140Blainvillea10trop. Am., some pantrop. weeds[9][0]
141Blakiella1Venez., Colombia[0][0]
142Blanchetia1NE Brazil[2][0]
143Blennosperma32 Calif. (2); Chile (1)[2][0]
144Blepharispermum10OW tropics[7][0]
146Blumea75OW tropics, S Afr., natur. WI[63][0]
147Blumeopsis1India to W Mal.) [2][0]
149Boltonia5C & E N Am.[7][0]
150Bombycilaena3Medit., incl. 2 Eur. to Afghanistan[10][0]
151Borrichia3seashores Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, SE Texas, Mex., C Am., WI[23][0]
152Bothriocline30trop. Afr, esp. E Afr., Madag.[6][0]
153Brachyclados3temp. S Am.[1][0]
154Brachyglottis29NZ, Chatham Is., Tasmania[35][0]
155Brachylaena10trop. & S Afr., Madag., Masc.[20][0]
156Brachythrix5trop. Afr.[0][0]
157Brickelia90subtrop. Am., some cult.[3][0]
158Brickelliastrum1R.King & H.Rob.[0][0]
159Bryomorphe1S Afr.[3][0]
160Buphthalmum2Eur., W As.[25][0]
163Cacalia4C &S Eur.[36][0]
165Cadiscus1S Afr.[0][0]
166Caesulia1NE India[5][0]
167Calea100subtrop. Am., intr. weeds[40][0]
168Calendula10Medit., N Afr., S & C Eur., to Yemen & Iran, Macronesia[94][0]
169Callilepis5S Afr.[4][0]
170Callistephus1China, Japan, widely cult.[32][0]
171Calocephalus11temp. Aus.[4][0]
172Calomeria14Afr., Madag., S Aus.[11][0]
173Calostephane6trop. Afr.[2][0]
174Calotis25NZ and Aus., a few sps. in SE As.[11][0]
175Calycoseris2SW N Am.[2][0]
176Calyptocarpus3Texas to Guatemala, natur.[3][0]
177Camchaya7Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam[3][0]
178Canadanthus1N Am.[0][0]
179Cancrinia30Karelin & Kir[2][0]
182Carduncellus30S Eur., Middle East, N Afr.[2][0]
183Carduus90uras., N & E Afr., widely intr.[164][0]
184Carlina20Europe, SW As., N Afr., Canary Is.[128][0]
185Carminatia3SW US to El Salvador[4][0]
186Carpesium20Euras, incl. 2 Eur., Indomal.[22][0]
187Carphephorus4SE US[1][0]
188Carphochaete7SW N Am.[0][0]
189Carthamus17Medit. to C As.[101][0]
190Cassinia15Aus., NZ[5][0]
191Catamixis1NW Himal.[1][0]
192Catananche5Medit., S Eur., N Afr., Turkey, Middle East[33][0]
194Cavea1E Himal[1][0]
195Celmisia60NZ, few in SE Aus. & Tasmania[27][0]
196Centaurea500Euras., N & E Afr., N Am., few in S Am.; widely intr.[796][0]
197Centaurodendron3Juan Fernandez Is.[0][0]
200Centipeda6Madag., Indomal., Pacific, Chile, intr.[10][0]
201Centratherum2trop. S Am., Aus., Philip.[11][0]
202Cephalopappus1NE Brazil[2][0]
203Cephalorrhynchus10SE Eur., SW As. to Himal.[7][0]
204Ceratogyne1W temp. Aus.[1][0]
205Ceruana1Egypt, trop. Afr.[4][0]
206Chaenactis30W N Am.[4][0]
207Chaetadelpha1SW US[1][0]
208Chaetanthera30S Peru, Chile, Arg.n Andes[29][0]
209Chaetopappa10SW N Am.[4][0]
210Chaetoseris18Tibet, China[0][0]
212Chamaechaenactis1SW US[0][0]
213Chamaegeron4C As.[2][0]
215Chaptalia50trop. & subtrop. Am., WI[26][0]
216Chardinia1W As.[5][0]
217Chersodoma9temp. S Am.[2][0]
218Chevreulia5S Am., Falkland Is., Tristan da Cunha[5][0]
219Chihuahua1Chihuahua desert[0][0]
220Chiliadenus9Medit., S Eur., N Afr., Middle East[3][0]
221Chiliophyllum3S Andes[0][0]
223Chiliotrichum2temp. S Am.[14][0]
224Chimantaea10Venez., Guyana[2][0]
226Chlamydophora3Eur., N Afr.[1][0]
227Chloracantha1S US, Mex., C Am.[0][0]
228Chondrilla25Euras., incl. 5 Eur., intr.[43][0]
229Chondropyxis1S Aus.[0][0]
232Chrysactinia5SW N Am.[5][0]
233Chrysanthellum13Mex., C Am., WI, Galapagos, 1 pantrop. weed[15][0]
234Chrysanthemoides2trop. E & S Afr., weeds; St. Helena -introduced?-[17][0]
235Chrysanthemum250Eur., As., N Afr.[663][0]
236Chrysanthoglossum2N Afr.[1][0]
237Chrysocoma20S Afr., esp. SW Cape[13][0]
238Chrysogonum1S US[8][0]
239Chrysophtalmum3SW As.[0][0]
240Chrysophthalmum1W Aus. (of SW As.??!! zie Wiel)[0][0]
241Chrysothamnus15SW N Am.[1][0]
242Chthonocephalus5temp. Aus.[0][0]
243Chucoa1Peruvian Andes[2][0]
244Chuquiraga20Andes & Patagonia[19][0]
245Ciceronia1E Cuba[1][0]
246Cichorium7Eur., As., N Afr., Med. & SW As., widely intr.[134][0]
247Cirsium250Euras., N & E Afr., N Am., widely intr.[340][0]
248Cissampelopsis10trop. As.[5][0]
249Cladanthus1S Spain, NW Afr.[11][0]
250Clappia2S US, Mex.[1][0]
251Clibadium30trop. Am.[15][0]
252Cnicothamnus2Bolivia, Arg.[2][0]
253Coleocoma1NW Aus.[2][0]
255Comborhiza2S Afr.[0][0]
256Commidendrum4St. Helena[6][0]
257Conyza60trop. & subtrop., nat. Eur.[114][0]
258Coreocarpus10SW N Am, Mex.[2][0]
259Coreopsis100N & S Am., Afr.[91][0]
260Correllia1S Mex.[0][0]
261Corymbium9SW Cape[7][0]
262Cotula80almost cosmop. esp. S hemisphere, some natur. [42][0]
263Coulterella1Baja Calif.[1][0]
264Cousinia500E Medit. to C As. & W Himal.[90][0]
265Cousiniopsis1C As.[0][0]
266Craspedia11Aus. & NZ[10][0]
267Crassocephalum24trop. Afr., Madag., Masc., Yemen, intr. trop.[10][0]
269Crepis200N hemisphere, S Afr., S Am.[736][0]
270Crocidium2NW N Am.[1][0]
271Crupina3S & E Eur., Turkey, Middle East to Iran, N Afr.[13][0]
273Cullumia14Cape to Karoo[12][0]
274Cuspidia1S Afr.[4][0]
275Cyathocline3trop. As.[4][0]
277Cyclolepis1Bolivia, Paraguay, Arg.[2][0]
279Cymbolaena1SW to C As.[1][0]
280Cymbonotus3temp. Aus.[5][0]
281Cymbopappus4S. Afr.[0][0]
282Cynara8S Eur. and N Afr. to Turkey, Middle East & Iran[76][0]
284Dahlia28Mex., C Am., NE S Am[176][0]
287Dasyphyllum40S Am., esp. S Brazil, Andes, S Chile[10][0]
288Daveaua2SW Eur., N Afr.[0][0]
289Decachaeta7Mex. & Guatemala[2][0]
292Decazesia1W Aus.[0][0]
293Delamerea1trop. E Afr.[1][0]
294Delilia5trop. Am.; 2 Galapagos; natur. elsewhere[11][0]
295Dendrocacalia1Bonin is. (ogasawara)[0][0]
296Dendrophorbium40Andes of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Arg., Paraguay, Brazil, WI[0][0]
297Dendroseris10Juan Fernandez[7][0]
298Desmanthodium8Mex. & C Am. mts[4][0]
299Dewildemania3trop. Afr.[0][0]
300Dianthoseris1E & NE Afr. highlands[0][0]
303Dichaetophora1S US[0][0]
304Dichrocephala10trop. Afr., Madag., trop. As., Caucasus, Mal., Japan, Hawaii, Fiji, Society Is., Austral Is.[14][0]
306Dicoma35trop. & S Afr., Madag., Arabian Penins., Socotra, India[28][0]
307Dicoria5SW N Am. to Mex.[3][0]
308Dicranocarpus1Mex., S N Am.[0][0]
309Didelta2S Afr, Namibia[11][0]
311Dimeresia1W US[0][0]
312Dimerostemma12Brazil, Paraguay & Bolivia[0][0]
313Dimorphocoma1C Aus.[0][0]
314Dimorphotheca7S & trop. Afr.[65][0]
315Diplostephium90trop. Andes; 1 Costa Rica[13][0]
316Dipterocome1E Medit. to Afghanistan[0][0]
318Disparago7S Afr.[4][0]
321Dolomiaea12Tibet, Himal.[2][0]
322Doniophyton2Andes, Patagonia [Chile, Arg.][1][0]
323Doronicum35temp. Euras, Medit.[148][0]
324Dresslerothamnus4C Am. to Colombia[0][0]
325Dubautia24Hawaii, incl. Raillardia[12][0]
326Dubyaea10Himal., W China[2][0]
328Duidaea4Venez., Guyana[1][0]
329Duseniella1Arg. -arid Patagonia-[0][0]
331Dyssodia16SW N Am.[34][0]
332Eastwoodia1SW N Am.[0][0]
333Eatonella1SW N Am.[1][0]
334Echinacea9E US[20][0]
335Echinops100Euras., NE Afr., intr. elsewhere[107][0]
336Eclipta3tropics & subtropics; Caucasus (natur. ?)[43][0]
337Egletes12trop. Am.[4][0]
339Elaphandra10trop. Am.[0][0]
340Elephantopus30tropics, esp. trop. S Am.[36][0]
341Eleutheranthera1trop. Am., nat. OW tropics[8][0]
343Elytropappus8S Afr.[2][0]
344Emilia90trop. Afr. & As., some widespread weeds[65][0]
345Encelia15SW US, Mex., Peru, Chile, Galapagos Is.[7][0]
346Enceliopsis4SW US[0][0]
348Engelmannia1S US & N Mex.[2][0]
349Engleria2trop. & S Afr.[3][0]
351Epaltes15trop., not in Aus.[12][0]
352Epilasia3W & C As. to China[0][0]
356Eriachaenium1Tierra de Fuego[0][0]
358Erigeron150cosmop., esp. N Am.[190][0]
359Eriocephalus26S Afr.[7][0]
360Eriochlamys2S Aus.[0][0]
361Eriophyllum11W N Am.[5][0]
363Erlangea5trop. Afr.[1][0]
364Erodiophyllum2W & S Aus.[0][0]
367Erythrocephalum12trop. E Afr.[5][0]
368Espeletia80Venez., Colombia, Peru, Ecuador[23][0]
369Ethulia19trop. Afr.[27][0]
370Eumorphia5S Afr.[1][0]
371Eupatoriastrum4Mex., C Am.[0][0]
373Eupatorium40Eur., Caucasus, C As., E As., E N Am.[279][0]
375Eurydochus1Venez., Guyana[0][0]
376Euryops97S Afr., trop. Afr., Arabian Penin., Socotra[38][0]
378Euthamia8N Am.[6][0]
379Evacidium1Sicily & NW Afr.[1][0]
380Ewartia5SE Aus., NZ[1][0]
382Facelis4S Am.[7][0]
383Farfugium2E As.[12][0]
386Faxonia1NW Mex.[0][0]
387Feddea1E Cuba[1][0]
388Felicia80S Afr. to Nigeria, Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia[57][0]
390Ferreyranthus7Peru, S Ecuador[0][0]
392Filago35N temp., incl. 16 Eur.[95][0]
394Flaveria19Am., esp. SW N Am.; Aus. (1)[17][0]
395Fleischmannia75N Am., W S Am.[4][0]
396Fleischmanniopsis5Mex., C Am.[0][0]
397Florestina8S US, Mex., Guatemala[6][0]
400Flourensia30S US,Mex., Peru to Chile and Argentina[5][0]
402Formania1SW China[1][0]
403Foveolina5S Afr.n Namibia[0][0]
405Fulcaldea1W trop. S Am.[2][0]
406Gaillardia28N & S Am.[48][0]
407Galactites3S Eur., Canary Is., N Afr.[13][0]
408Galeana3Mex., C Am.[4][0]
409Galeomma1S Afr.[1][0]
410Galinsoga13N, C & S Am.; 2 widespread weeds[32][0]
411Garberia1S Florida[0][0]
412Garcilassa1C & S Am.[0][0]
413Gardnerina1Brazil, known only from 1 specimen[0][0]
414Garuleum8S Afr.[5][0]
415Gazania17S Afr., Namibia, 1 ext. to trop. E Afr.; 1 widely cult.[59][0]
416Geigeria28trop. & S Afr.[6][0]
418Gerbera25Afr., Madag., trop. As.; 1 S Am. -Andes-[54][0]
419Geropogon1Eur., Medit., Turkey[10][0]
421Gilruthia1W Aus.[0][0]
423Glossarion2Venez., adjacent Brazil, Guyana[64][0]
424Glossocardia12India to Vietnam, Aus., Pacific; intr. in Afr.[9][0]
425Glossopappus1SW Eur., N Afr.[2][0]
426Glyptopleura2W US[1][0]
427Gnaphaliothamnus10Mex., C Am.[23][0]
429Gnephosis8temp. Aus.[1][0]
430Gochnatia60rop. & subtrop. Am., WI; 2 mts trop. SE As.[24][0]
431Goldmanella1C Am.[1][0]
432Gongylolepis14Venez., adjacent Colombia, Brazil, Guyana[3][0]
433Goniocaulon1trop. Afr., Pakistan, India[2][0]
434Gonospermum4Canary Is.[4][0]
436Gorteria3S Afr., Namibia[11][0]
439Grangea10trop. & subtrop. Afr., Madag.; subtrop. As.[12][0]
442Grauanthus2trop. Afr.[0][0]
444Grindelia50WN & S Am., 1 nat. GB & Aus.[39][0]
445Guardiola10SW N Am.[3][0]
446Guizotia6trop. Afr., 1 cult. as oilseed[8][0]
447Gundelia1Cypres, Turkey, Middle East, Iran[10][0]
448Gundlachia10Bahamas to Curaçao & Hispaniola (Haiti)[0][0]
449Gutierrezia25W N & subtrop. S Am.[8][0]
450Gymnarrhena6Medit. (1), W As. (5)[1][0]
451Gymnocoronis5Mex., [0][0]
452Gymnodiscus2SW Cape to Namaqualand[0][0]
453Gymnopentzia1S Afr.[2][0]
454Gymnosperma1S US to C Am.[6][0]
455Gymnostephium7S Afr.[4][0]
456Gynoxys60C Am. to Peru[14][0]
457Gynura40OW tropics; 1 widely nat.[44][0]
460Handelia1C As. to China[0][0]
461Haplocarpha8S & E Afr. to Ethiopia[2][0]
462Haploesthes3SW N Am.[0][0]
463Haplopappus70S & W N Am.[18][0]
465Haptotrichion2W Aus.[0][0]
466Harleya1C Am., Mex.[2][0]
467Harnackia1E Cuba[1][0]
468Hartwrightia1Georgia, Florida[0][0]
469Hecastocleis1SW US[0][0]
470Hedypnois3Macronesia, Medit. to As. Minor & Iran; 1 widely intr. as weed[29][0]
472Helianthella8Mex., W US, SW Canada[0][0]
473Helianthus50N Am., 2 widely cult.[166][0]
474Helichrysum500Afr., Eur., As., esp. S Afr. & Madag.[502][0]
476Heliopsis15N & C Am. to C S Am. -upland trop. Am.-[17][0]
478Hemizonia25California & Baja Calif.[3][0]
481Herderia1trop. W Afr.[1][0]
483Hesperevax3W California, SW Oregon[1][0]
484Hesperomannia4Hawaiian Is.[5][0]
485Heteracia2SW As. to China[1][0]
488Heteroderis1SW & C As to Pakistan[0][0]
489Heterolepis3S Afr., Cape to Karoo[2][0]
490Heteromera1N Afr.[1][0]
491Heteromma3S Afr. mts[0][0]
493Heterorhachis1SW Cape[2][0]
494Heterosperma5C Am., Mex., SW N Am.[11][0]
495Heterothalamus8S Am.[1][0]
496Heterotheca20S N Am. & Mex.[11][0]
497Hidalgoa5Mex., C Am.[7][0]
498Hieracium80Eur. & temp. As, N & S Am., Afr. [772][0]
500Hippia8SW & S Cape[11][0]
501Hirpicium12trop. & S Afr.[6][0]
502Hispidella1Pyrenees -Iberian Penin.-[1][0]
504Hoffmanniella1C Afr., Cameroon[0][0]
507Holocheilus6S Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, N & C Argentina[1][0]
508Hoplophyllum2NW Cape, S Afr.[1][0]
509Huarpea1S Andes -Arg.-[0][0]
511Hulsea7W US, NW Mex.[1][0]
512Humbertacalia8Madag., Reunion[4][0]
513Hyaloseris7Bolivian & Arg.n Andes[0][0]
517Hymenoclea3SW N Am. to NW Mex.[1][0]
519Hymenopappus14S N Am.[3][0]
520Hymenostemma1Spain, Morocco[1][0]
521Hymenothrix5SW N Am., Mex.[1][0]
522Hymenoxys28W N Am., Mex., C Am, to Argentina[12][0]
524Hypericophyllum7trop. Afr.[3][0]
525Hypochaeris50Eur., As., N Afr. & esp. S Am.[123][0]
526Hysterionica10S Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina[6][0]
528Ichthyothere15trop. S Am.[8][0]
529Ifloga6Medit., incl. 1 Eur., Macronesia, S Afr.[4][0]
530Inezia2S Afr.[0][0]
531Inula90temp. & subtrop. OW[286][0]
535Iphiona10Middle E & NE Afr. to C As. & ?? Madag.[5][0]
536Iphionopsis2NE & E Afr., Madag.[0][0]
538Ischnea5New Guinea[0][0]
539Isocarpha5trop. & subtrop. Am.[5][0]
540Isoetopsis1temp. Aus.[1][0]
541Isostigma11subtrop. S Am.[1][0]
542Iva15N Am. to WI; intr. Eur.[10][0]
543Ixeris20E & SE As. to New Guinea[12][0]
546Jaegeria6Mex. to Uruguay, Galapagos[10][0]
547Jalcophila3Andes of Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador[0][0]
549Jamesianthus1S US[0][0]
551Jaumea2W N Am., S S Am.[4][0]
552Jefea5S US, Mex., Guatemala[0][0]
553Jeffreya1Tanzania, Zambia[0][0]
554Jungia25Mex., C Am., through Andes to N Arg., Uruguay[11][0]
555Jurinea20S & E Eur., SW & C As., Algeria, Marocco[55][0]
556Karvandarina1Iran, Pakistan[0][0]
558Koehneola1E Cuba[0][0]
559Koelpinia5N Afr. to E As., incl. 1 Eur.[6][0]
560Krigia7N Am.[8][0]
561Lachnophyllum2W to C As.[2][0]
562Lachnospermum3SW Cape to Namaqualand[1][0]
563Lactuca100cosmop. esp. N Temp.[296][0]
564Laestadia6trop. Andes, WI[4][0]
565Lagascea9Mex. & C Am.[26][0]
567Laggera17OW tropics[10][0]
568Lagophylla5W N Am.[0][0]
570Lamyropappus1C As.[0][0]
571Lantanopsis3Cuba, Hispaniola[0][0]
572Lapsana10Eur. & temp. As., NW Afr.; 1 widely intr.[30][0]
574Lasiopogon8 S Afr., 1 ext. to N Afr, Middle E & India[4][0]
575Lasiospermum1S Afr., Egypt[1][0]
576Lasthenia17Pacific N Am., Chile[9][0]
577Launaea30Canaries to S Afr., incl. 6 Eur., SW & C As.; 1 NZ[52][0]
579Lecocarpus3Galapagos Is.[0][0]
580Leibnitzia5China, Nepal, India, Siberia, Japan, Taiwan, SW US, Mex., Guatemala[2][0]
582Leontodon40temp. Euras. to Medit. & Iran[205][0]
583Leontopodium35Eur. to Burma & China, esp. mts[34][0]
584Lepidesmia1Cuba, Colombia, Venez.[1][0]
585Lepidolopha5C As.[0][0]
586Lepidolopsis1C As., Iran, Afghanistan[1][0]
587Lepidophorum1Portugal, Spain[0][0]
589Lepidospartum3SW US[1][0]
590Lepidostephium2S Afr.[1][0]
591Leptinella33 New Guinea, Aus., NZ; 1 S Am. & Falkland Is. (1)[12][0]
594Leptorhynchos9temp. Aus.[6][0]
595Lescaillea1W Cuba[0][0]
596Lessingia14SW N Am.[2][0]
598Leucheria45Andes, Chile, Patagonia, Falklands[20][0]
600Leucochrysum5temp. Aus.[3][0]
601Leucoglossum3Spain, N Afr., 1 widely cult.[0][0]
602Leucoptera3SW Cape to Namaqualand[0][0]
603Leunisia1C Chile[0][0]
604Leysera4S Afr., with 1 Medit. to SW As.[7][0]
605Liabum38C Am., WI, Andes[15][0]
606Liatris40E N Am.[41][0]
607Lidbeckia2S Afr.[3][0]
608Lifago1Marocco, Algeria[0][0]
609Ligularia125temp. Euras.[43][0]
610Lindheimera1S US, Mex.[3][0]
612Litogyne1trop. & S Afr.[2][0]
614Lonas1SW Medit. incl. Eur.[6][0]
615Lopholaena19trop. & S Afr.[8][0]
616Lophopappus5Andes of Peru, Bolivia, Chile & Arg.[1][0]
618Loxothysanus3E Mex.[0][0]
619Lucilia8S Am.[11][0]
620Luina2NW N Am.[1][0]
622Lundellianthus8Mex., C Am.[0][0]
623Lycapsus1Desventuradas Is. -Chile-[0][0]
624Lychnophora25S Brazil[14][0]
625Lycoseris10trop. Am.[6][0]
626Lygodesmia8Am., esp. W N Am.[3][0]
627Macowania12S Afr., Ethiopia & Yemen[5][0]
628Macrachaenium1S Am. Andes[0][0]
629Madia18W N Am., Chile[14][0]
630Mairia14S & SW Cape[4][0]
631Malacothrix10W N am.[0][0]
632Malperia1Calif. & Baja Calif.[0][0]
633Marasmodes4SW Cape[0][0]
637Matricaria40Euras., N Afr., N Am.[82][0]
638Mattfeldia1Hispaniola (Haiti)[0][0]
639Mecomischus2Morocco, Algeria[0][0]
640Megalodonta1N Am.[0][0]
641Melampodium37trop. & subtrop. Am., esp. Mex.[36][0]
642Melanodendron0St Helena[2][0]
643Melanthera20S US, Mex., C Am., WI, trop. Afr.[34][0]
645Metalasia50S Afr. esp. SW Cape[9][0]
647Microcephala4Iran, C As.[1][0]
648Microglossa10trop. & S Afr., Madag., Masc., trop. As.[3][0]
649Microgynella1Arg., Brazil, Uruguay[0][0]
650Microliabum6C Bolivia to Arg.[1][0]
651Micropsis5Chile, Argentina, Uruguay[4][0]
652Micropus1W Medit. incl. Eur. to Iran[16][0]
653Microseris15W N Am., Chile, Aus. & NZ[6][0]
654Microspermum8C Am.[0][0]
655Mikania400trop. ext. to SE N Am.; 1 widely intr.[73][0]
656Milleria2Mex. to C Am. & Peru[14][0]
657Millotia16temp. Aus., incl. Toxanthes[2][0]
659Minuria9C & SE Aus.[4][0]
661Monactis9trop. S Am.[2][0]
662Monarrhenus3Madag., Masc.[0][0]
663Monogereion1NE Brazil[0][0]
665Monoptilon2SW N Am. deserts[1][0]
666Montanoa25trop. Am.[13][0]
667Monticalia50C & S Am. along the Andes[0][0]
668Moonia1S India, Sri Lanka[3][0]
671Msuata1trop. Afr.[1][0]
674Mutisia60S Am.[72][0]
675Mycelis1temp. Euras., N W Afr.[14][0]
676Myopordon5Turkey, Middle East to Iran[0][0]
677Myriactis13Caucasus to Japan & New Guinea; S Am. (1)[6][0]
678Myriocephalus8temp. Aus.[3][0]
679Myripnois1N China[0][0]
680Nananthea1Corsica, Sardinia[5][0]
681Nannoglottis9W China[1][0]
682Nanothamnus1W India[1][0]
683Nardophyllum7S Andes[5][0]
684Narvalina4trop. Am.[4][0]
685Nassauvia35S. Andes, Patagonia[36][0]
686Nauplius8Cass. [1][0]
688Neojeffreya1Afr., Madag.[2][0]
689Neotysonia1SW Aus. -Mt Narryer-[0][0]
690Neurolaena10trop. Am.[10][0]
692Nicolasia7Strop. W Afr.[1][0]
693Nicolletia3S N Am.[2][0]
694Nidorella13trop. & S Afr.[2][0]
695Nikitinia1Turkmenistan to Iran[0][0]
697Nolletia10S & N Afr. to Eur.[3][0]
699Noticastrum20trop. S Am.[5][0]
700Nouelia1SW China[3][0]
701Novenia1Andes of Bolivia and Arg.[0][0]
702Oblivia2trop. Am.[0][0]
703Ochrocephala1Ethiopia, Sudan, Congo[0][0]
704Oedera18S Afr.[16][0]
705Oiospermum1NE Brazil[2][0]
707Olearia100Aus. (75); New Guinea & NZ (25)[108][0]
708Olgaea15Afghanistan, C As., China, Mongolia[0][0]
709Oligactis12trop. Am.[5][0]
711Oligothrix1S Afr. [Cedarberg mts] [1][0]
714Ondetia1SW Afr.[1][0]
715Onopordum50Eur., SW & C As., N Afr., Canary Is., intr. elsewhere[85][0]
716Onoseris30C & S Am.[50][0]
717Ophryosporus38S Am.[1][0]
718Oreochrysum1W US, subtrop. Mex.[0][0]
719Oritrophium11Andes (1); Mex. (1)[7][0]
721Osmitopsis9SW Cape[4][0]
722Osteospermum45S Afr. to Arabia; St Helena (1)[20][0]
723Otanthus1S Eur., N Afr., SW As, along coast[2][0]
724Othonna100trop. & S Afr., Aus.[59][0]
725Otopappus14Mex. & C Am., WI[5][0]
726Otospermum1SW Eur., NW Afr.[1][0]
727Outreya1Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan[0][0]
729Oxylaena1S Afr.[1][0]
730Oxylobus6Mex. to Venez.[2][0]
732Oxyphyllum1N Chile[2][0]
733Oyedaea14Mex., C & S Am.[6][0]
734Pachylaena2Arg.n & Chilean Andes[2][0]
735Pacourina1trop. Am.[3][0]
736Palafoxia12S US, Mex.[14][0]
737Pamphalea6subtrop. S Am., temp. S Am.[2][0]
738Panphalea6subtrop. & temp. S Am.[0][0]
739Pappobolus38Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador[5][0]
740Papuacalia14New Guinea[3][0]
741Paracalia2Peru, Bolivia[0][0]
743Paragynoxys9NW trop. S Am.[0][0]
744Paranephelius7Peru, Bolivia, Arg.[4][0]
745Parantennaria1E Aus. mts[0][0]
746Parasenecio45E As. [8][0]
748Parthenice1SW N Am. to Mex.[0][0]
749Parthenium15N & C Am. to N S Am. & WI; 1 widespread weed[27][0]
750Pasaccardoa3trop. & S Afr.[2][0]
751Pectis75subtrop. & trop. Am., Galapagos[32][0]
752Pegolettia6Afr., Arabia & Middle E[2][0]
754Pentatrichia4S Afr., Namibia[1][0]
755Pentzia60trop. & S Afr. (40); Morocco & Algeria (20)[7][0]
756Perezia20Andes, from Colombia to S Patagonia, S Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay & NE Arg.[31][0]
757Pericome4SW N Am.[0][0]
758Perityle64SW N Am. with 1 in Peru & Chile[12][0]
759Perralderia3NW Afr.[3][0]
760Pertya15Afghanistan to China, Thailand, Taiwan & Japan[8][0]
761Perymenium40Mex., C Am., Colombia, Peru[1][0]
763Petasites19N temp.[129][0]
764Petrobium1St Helena[2][0]
765Peucephyllum1SW US, N Mex.[0][0]
766Phacellothrix1E Mal. & E trop. Aus.[3][0]
767Phaenocoma0S Afr.[10][0]
768Phagnalon30Canaries & Medit., incl. 6 Eur., to Himal.[22][0]
771Philactis4Mex., Guatemala[2][0]
772Philoglossa5S Am.[1][0]
773Philyrophyllum1S Afr.[1][0]
774Phyllocephalum3India, Java[9][0]
775Phymaspermum18S Afr.[3][0]
776Picris40Eur., Medit., As., Afr. mts; nat. elsewhere[75][0]
777Picrosia2subtrop. S Am.[1][0]
778Pilostemon2Afghanistan, C As., China[0][0]
779Pinaropappus6S N Am.[1][0]
780Pinillosia1Cuba, Hispaniola[2][0]
781Piora1New Guinea[0][0]
782Piptocarpha40C & trop. S Am., WI[6][0]
785Piptothrix5Mex., Guatemala[0][0]
786Piqueria7Mex., C.Am., WI[8][0]
787Pithecoseris1N Brazil[1][0]
788Pithocarpa4SW Aus.[0][0]
789Plagiobasis1C As. [1][0]
790Plagiocheilus7S Am.[3][0]
794Platycarpha3S Afr., Namibia[0][0]
795Plazia3S Andes, Arg., Pery, N Chile, Bolivia[8][0]
796Pleiotaxis25trop. Afr.[11][0]
797Pleurocarpaea2trop. Aus.[1][0]
798Pleurophyllum3Is. S of NZ[6][0]
799Pluchea40tropics & subtropics[54][0]
800Podachaenium2Mex., Costa Rica[5][0]
801Podanthus2Chile, Argentina[1][0]
802Podocoma10Brazil, Arg.[3][0]
804Podotheca6temp. Aus.[3][0]
805Pollalesta16trop. & subtrop. Am.. Philipp. -introd.?-[4][0]
806Polyachyrus7Peru, Chile[6][0]
808Polychrysum1C As.[0][0]
809Polymnia2E N Am.[26][0]
810Porophyllum28subtrop. Am.[27][0]
811Porphyrostemma4trop. Afr.[1][0]
813Prenanthes25N temp., incl. 1 in Eur., to Afr. mts[41][0]
816Prolobus1Bahia -Brazil-[0][0]
817Proteopsis2S Brazil[1][0]
818Proustia3Bolivia, Chile, Arg.[5][0]
819Psathyrotes3SW N Am.[2][0]
820Psednotrichia1S Afr.[1][0]
822Pseudoclappia2SW US & N Mex.[0][0]
824Psiadia60St. Helena, trop. Afr., Madag., Masc., Socotra[51][0]
826Psilocarphus8W US, W temp. S Am.[2][0]
827Psilostrophe7SW N Am.[8][0]
828Pterachaenia1Afghanistan, Pakistan[0][0]
829Pterocaulon18subtrop. Am., SE As. to Aus. & New Caled.[23][0]
830Pteronia80S Afr.[10][0]
831Pterothrix6S Afr.[0][0]
833Pulicaria80Eur., N Afr., As.[94][0]
835Pyrrhopappus3S US, Mex.[2][0]
836Quelchia5Venez., Guyana[2][0]
837Quinetia1SW Aus.[0][0]
838Quinqueremulus1W Aus.[0][0]
839Radlkoferotoma3Uruguay, S Brazil[0][0]
840Rafinesquia2SW US[1][0]
841Raillardella3W N Am.[0][0]
842Rainiera1Washington, Oregon[0][0]
843Raoulia11New Guinea, NZ. (excl. Psychrophyton)[12][0]
845Rastrophyllum0Zambia, Tanzania[2][0]
846Ratibida7N Am.[21][0]
847Reichardia8Medit., incl. 4 Eur.[20][0]
848Relhania13S Afr.[16][0]
850Rensonia1C Am. -El Salvador-[1][0]
851Rhagadiolus7Medit., incl. 1 Eur., to Afghanistan, C As. & China[18][0]
852Rhamphogyne2Rodrigues & New Guinea[2][0]
853Rhanteriopsis3Lebanon & Syria (2); 1 Iran & Iraq[0][0]
854Rhanterium3NW Afr. to Pakistan[3][0]
857Rhynchospermum1E & SE As.[3][0]
858Riencourtia8N S Am.[2][0]
859Rigiopappus1SW US[0][0]
860Robinsonia7Juan Fernandez[7][0]
862Rojasianthe1C Am.[1][0]
863Rolandra1trop. S Am., intr. SE As., Japan[6][0]
864Rosenia4S Afr.[1][0]
866Rudbeckia15N Am.[53][0]
867Rumfordia12Mex. & C Am. mts[5][0]
868Russowia1Afghanistan, C As.[3][0]
870Sabazia17C Am. mts[4][0]
871Sachsia3Florida, Bahamas, Cuba[0][0]
872Salmea10C & S Am., WI[11][0]
874Santosia1E Brazil[0][0]
875Sanvitalia7Mex., C Am.[17][0]
876Sartwellia4S N Am.[2][0]
877Saussurea300Euras., esp. C As., 1 ext. to N Aus.; few in NW N Am.[131][0]
879Schischkinia1Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, C As.[1][0]
880Schistocarpha10C & S Am.[4][0]
881Schistostephium12trop. & S Afr.[2][0]
884Schkuhria6subtrop. Am.[12][0]
885Schlechtendalia1Brazil, Uruguay, Arg.[4][0]
886Schmalhausenia1C As.[0][0]
887Sciadocephala5Panama & N S Am.[1][0]
888Sclerocarpus8trop. & subtrop. Am., Afr.[9][0]
889Sclerolepis1E US[0][0]
892Scolymus3Medit., Caucasus, Middle East to Iran[34][0]
893Scorzonera150Medit., incl. 28 Eur., to C As.[162][0]
894Selloa3Mex. & C Am.[3][0]
895Senecio1000cosmop., of which 500 S Am.[1163][1]
896Serratula60Eur. to N Afr. & Japan[94][0]
897Shafera1E Cuba[0][0]
899Shinnersia1Texas, Mex.[0][0]
900Siebera0Middle East to Afghanistan[4][0]
901Sigesbeckia3trop. -orig.- OW-, Macronesia[33][0]
903Silybum2S & W Eur., N Afr.; sometimes intr.[41][0]
904Simsia18S US, Mex., C Am., S Am.[12][0]
905Sinclairia23Mex., C Am. to Colombia[2][0]
908Soaresia1S Brazil[1][0]
909Solenogyne3Aus., Tasm.[1][0]
910Solidago100Am., Macronesia, Euras.[146][0]
911Soliva9S Am., nat. elsewhere as weed[16][0]
913Sonchus60Euras., incl. 2 Eur., to trop. Afr.; some cosmop. weeds[224][0]
915Soroseris8Himal. to W China[2][0]
916Sphaeranthus38OW tropics to Iran & Egypt, also Aus.[20][0]
917Sphaereupatorium1Bolivia, Brazil[0][0]
918Sphagneticola1O.Hoffm. [9][0]
920Spiracantha1C Am. to Venez.[4][0]
922Stachycephalum2Mex., Argentina[1][0]
924Staurochlamys1N Brazil[1][0]
925Steiractinia12Colombia, Ecuador, W Venez.[4][0]
926Steirodiscus5S Afr.[2][0]
927Stenachaenium5S Brazil,Arg., Uruguay, Paraguay[1][0]
928Stenocline3Madag., Mauritius[5][0]
929Stenopadus14NW trop. S Am.[9][0]
930Stenoseris5Tibet, S China[0][0]
931Stephanomeria17W N Am.[3][0]
932Steptorhamphus7E Eur., SW to C As. & Pakistan[1][0]
933Stevia150trop. & subtrop. Am.[113][0]
934Stifftia6NE Brazil, French Guiana[13][0]
935Stilpnogyne1S Afr.[1][0]
936Stilpnopappus20trop. S Am.[4][0]
937Stoebe34trop. & S.Afr. to Masc.[11][0]
938Stokesia1SE US[11][0]
939Stomatochaeta5Venez., N Brazil, Guyana[2][0]
941Strotheria1N & C Mex.[0][0]
942Stuartina2S & E Aus.[1][0]
944Stylocline7SW N Am.[2][0]
945Stylotrichium4NE Brazil[1][0]
946Symphyllocarpus1Manchuria, E Siberia[2][0]
947Symphyopappus13Brazil, campos[2][0]
948Syncalathium6Tibet, S China[0][0]
951Synedrella2trop. Am.; 1 widespread trop. weed[11][0]
953Syntrichopappus2SW US[1][0]
954Synurus1E As.[3][0]
955Syreitschikovia2C As.[1][0]
956Tagetes50trop. & subtrop. Am.; 1 Afr.; widely nat.[123][0]
958Taplinia1W Aus.[0][0]
959Taraxacum50N temp.; 2 temp. S Am. [114][0]
960Tarchonanthus2Afr., Arabia[12][0]
961Telekia1C Eur. to Caucasus[10][0]
963Tenrhynea1S Afr.[3][0]
964Tessaria1subtrop. & trop. Am.[7][0]
965Tetradymia10N Am.[3][0]
966Tetragonotheca4SE US[1][0]
967Tetramolopium32New Guinea, Hawaii, Cook Is[5][0]
970Thaminophyllum3SW Cape[0][0]
971Thamnoseris1S Ambrosio Is. -Chile-[0][0]
972Thelesperma15W N Am. & S S Am.[4][0]
973Thespidium1trop. Aus.[1][0]
974Thespis3SE As.[4][0]
975Thevenotia2SW As.[2][0]
976Thiseltonia2W Aus.[1][0]
978Tietkensia1C & WC Aus.[0][0]
979Tithonia11SW US to Costa Rica & WI[23][0]
980Tolpis20Macronesia, S. Eur., Medit., N.Afr. to Ethiopia & Somalia; 1 widely nat.[40][0]
981Tonestus7W US & Canada[0][0]
985Tragopogon50temp. Euras., Medit.; 1 widely intr.[112][0]
987Trichanthemis6C As.[3][0]
988Trichantodium4W Aus, C Aus., Victoria[0][0]
989Trichocline20S Am., 1 SW Aus. [7][0]
990Trichocoronis2SW N Am.[2][0]
992Trichogyne8S Afr.[1][0]
993Tricholepis15Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Burma, C As.[11][0]
994Trichoptilium1USA (California, Nevada, Arizona), Mex. (Baja Calif.)[1][0]
995Trichospira1trop. & subtrop. Am.[3][0]
996Tridax30C & S Am., 1 pantrop. weed[27][0]
998Triplocephalum1trop. E Afr.[1][0]
999Triptilion10C Chile, Argentina, Patagonia[12][0]
1001Trixis50SW US, WI, C & S Am. to Chile[37][0]
1002Tuberostylis2Panamá, Colombia[2][0]
1004Tussilago1Euras. & N Afr., nat. E N Am.[75][0]
1007Tyrimnus1S. Eur., Medit., Turkey, Middle East[8][0]
1008Uechtritzia2Armenia & C As. to W Himal.[1][0]
1009Ugamia1C As.[0][0]
1011Unxia3Panama, N S Am.[6][0]
1013Urmenetea1N Chile, NW Arg.[2][0]
1014Urospermum2Medit., N Afr. to Middle East, Iran & Pakistan; 1 widely intr.[20][0]
1015Ursinia40S Afr. & Ethiopia; some cult. or intr.[37][0]
1016Varilla2S N Am.[0][0]
1017Varthemia1Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan[0][0]
1018Venegasia1SW N Am[0][0]
1019Verbesina300N, C & S Am.[90][0]
1020Vernonia1000tropics & subtropics[324][0]
1023Viguiera180from N to S Am.[27][0]
1024Villanova10Mex. to Chile[5][0]
1026Vittadinia2825 Aus.; 1 New Guinea; 1 New Caled.; 1 NZ[3][0]
1027Waitzia6temp. S & W Aus.[6][0]
1028Wamalchitamia5Mex., Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica[0][0]
1029Warionia1NW Sahara[0][0]
1031Welwitschiella1Angola, Zambia[0][0]
1033Westoniella5Panama, Costa Rica, paramos[0][0]
1035Wilkesia1Kauai (Hawaiian Islands[3][0]
1036Wulffia5trop. Am.[4][0]
1038Wyethia14W N Am.[4][0]
1041Xanthopappus1NW China, Mongolia[0][0]
1042Xeranthemum5Medit. to SW As.[35][0]
1043Xylothamia9Mex. & S US[0][0]
1044Youngia40C, E & trop. As., esp. Himal, Tibet & W China[10][0]
1045Zaluzania10Mex., SW US[3][0]
1046Zinnia11S US, Mex., C. Am., trop. S Am., temp. S Am.; cult.[77][0]
1047Zoegea3Turkey, Middle East to Iran, C As., Egypt[4][0]
1048Zyzyxia1Guatemala, Belize[0][0]
There were 23 accepted species found [distribution filter: global; grouped by species]

1 Arctium ambiguum (Čelak.) Nyman distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

2 Arctium atlanticum (Pomel) H.Lindb. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Lappa atlantica Pomel;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

3 Arctium batavum Arènes distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

4 Arctium bretonii Rouy distributionfilter: global
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5 Arctium debrayi Senay distributionfilter: global
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2607511 80310 Arctium lappa L.
Coll. Vélins Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 32 (Compositae): t. 52 () [N. Robert]
3693751 80310 Arctium lappa L.
P. Dioscorides, De Materia Medica (Codex Neapolitanus): t. 21, fig. 2 (620)
3439326 80310 Arctium lappa L.
J. Bourdichon, Grandes Heures: p. 168 (1503-1508)
1844571 80310 Arctium lappa L.
L. Fuchs, New Kreüterbuch (Fuchs): t. 40 (1543)
3737571 80310 Arctium lappa L.
U. Aldrovandi, Tav. Acquerel. Ulisse Alsrovandi, vol. 4(2): : t. 261 (1550-1600) [U. Aldrovandi]
4378471 80310 Arctium lappa L.
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 6974MPM.HB.06974 (1553-1601)
4403661 80310 Arctium lappa L.
R. Dodoens [Dodonaeus ], Stirp. Hist. Comment., vol. 1(): : p. 13 (1553-1554)
3576351 80310 Arctium lappa L.
P.A. Mattioli, New Kreüterbuch (Mattioli): p. 506, fig. A,B (1563)
3926121 80310 Arctium lappa L.
R. Dodoens [Dodonaeus ], Stirp. Hist. Pempt.: p. 38, fig. 1 (1583)
4370691 80310 Arctium lappa L.
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 6199MPM.HB.06199 (1553-1601)
4355621 80310 Arctium lappa L.
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 4535MPM.HB.04535 (1553-1601)
3771181 80310 Arctium lappa L.
M. de Lobel, Pl. Strip. Icon., vol. 1 : p. 587, fig. 2 (1591)
3759931 80310 Arctium lappa L.
M. de Lobel, Pl. Strip. Icon., vol. 1 : p. 588, fig. 1 (1591)
4262771 80310 Arctium lappa L.
J.P. de Tournefort, Inst. Rei Herb., vol. 3 : t. 256, fig. 2 (1700)
4754336 80310 Arctium lappa L.
M.S. Merian, Erucarum ortus, vol. 2(): : t. 13 (1717) [M.S. Merian]
4757076 80310 Arctium lappa L.
M.S. Merian, Watercolours: t. 13 (1717) [M.S. Merian]
4760286 80310 Arctium lappa L.
M.S. Merian, , vol. 2(): : t. 13 (1717) [M.S. Merian]
1949331 80310 Arctium lappa L.
M.B. Valentini, Viridarium reformatorum, vol. 1 : p. 444 (1719)
1189591 80310 Arctium lappa L.
E. Blackwell, Cur. Herbal, vol. 1 : t. 117 (1737) [E. Blackwell]
775551 80310 Arctium lappa L.
E. Blackwell, Herb. Blackwell., vol. 2 : t. 117 (1754)
3282256 80310 Arctium lappa L.
P.J. Buchoz, Traité Hist. Pl. Lorraine: t. 36 (1762-1770)
3942251 80310 Arctium lappa L.
F.A.P. de Garsault, Descr. Vertus Pl., vol. 2 : t. 164 (1767)
1085711 80310 Arctium lappa L.
G.C. Oeder, Fl. Dan., vol. 4 fasicle 11, : t. 642 (1771-1777)
1400641 80310 Arctium lappa L.
G. Bonelli, Hort. Rom., vol. 7 : t. 83 (1772-1793)
4951061 80310 Arctium lappa L.
N.F. Regnault, Botanique, vol. 1 : t. 93 (1774)
1675921 80310 Arctium lappa L.
P. Bulliard, Fl. Paris., vol. 7 : t. 521 (1776) [P. Bulliard]
1675931 80310 Arctium lappa L.
P. Bulliard, Fl. Paris., vol. 7 : t. 522 (1776) [P. Bulliard]
1639841 80310 Arctium lappa L.
W. Curtis, Fl. Londin., vol. 4 : t. 55[238] (1781)
3967131 80310 Arctium lappa L.
J. Zorn, Icon. Pl. Med., vol. 4 : t. 387 (1782)
1252581 80310 Arctium lappa L.
W. Woodville, Med. Bot. (Woodville), vol. 1 : t. 15 (1790)
3951901 80310 Arctium lappa L.
J.S. Kerner, Abbild. Oekon. Pfl., vol. 4 : t. 389 (1791)
4257226 80310 Arctium lappa L.
J. Gaertner, Fruct. Sem. Pl., vol. 2 : t. 162 (1791)
5083921 80310 Arctium lappa L.
Seikei Zusetsu, vol. 23(): : p. 3 (1793-1804)
1742971 80310 Arctium lappa L.
J.F.P. Dreves, F.G. Hayne, Bot. Bilderb., vol. 1 : t. 28 (1794)
1522171 80310 Arctium lappa L.
F.B. Vietz, Icones Pl. Med.-Oecon., vol. 1 : t. 29 (1800) [F.B. Vietz]
1512321 80310 Arctium lappa L.
J. Zorn, D.L. Oskamp, Afb. Arts.-Gew., vol. 5 : t. 460 (1800)
1567121 80310 Arctium lappa L.
J.W. Palmstruch, Sv. Bot., vol. 1 : t. 63 (1807)
3530281 80310 Arctium lappa L.
F.G. Hayne, Getreue Darstell. Gew., vol. 2 : t. 35 (1809)
3530296 80310 Arctium lappa L.
F.G. Hayne, Getreue Darstell. Gew., vol. 2 : t. 36 (1809)
4687521 80310 Arctium lappa L.
E.W. Drümpelmann, Fl. Livon.: t. 10 (1809-1810)
4168576 80310 Arctium lappa L.
Franz von Paula v. Schrank, Fl. Monac.: t. 212 (1811-1818)
1362461 80310 Arctium lappa L.
J. Kops, Fl. Bat., vol. 4 : t. 254 (1822)
3502166 80310 Arctium lappa L.
J.B.P.A. de Monet de Lamarck, J.L.M. Poiret, Tabl. Encycl., vol. 3 (tt, 501-750): t. 665 (1823) [J.E. de Seve]
2096241 80310 Arctium lappa L.
J. Curtis, Brit. Entomology, vol. 7 : t. 572 (1823) [J. Curtis]
2117861 80310 Arctium lappa L.
D.N.F. Dietrich, Fl. Med. (Dietrich): t. 59 (1828-1831)
2117876 80310 Arctium lappa L.
D.N.F. Dietrich, Fl. Med. (Dietrich): t. 60 (1828-1831)
3218706 80310 Arctium lappa L.
T.F.L. Nees von Esenbeck, M.F. Wijhe (Weyhe), Pl. Medicin., vol. 1 : , fig. 2 (1828) [A. Henry]
3214296 80310 Arctium lappa L.
T.F.L. Nees von Esenbeck, M.F. Wijhe (Weyhe), Pl. Medicin., vol. 1 : (1828) [A. Henry]
3214306 80310 Arctium lappa L. [0]
T.F.L. Nees von Esenbeck, M.F. Wijhe (Weyhe), Pl. Medicin., vol. 1 : (1828) [A. Henry]
5027231 80310 Arctium lappa L.
T. Iwasaki, Honzo zufu , vol. 13(): (2): (1830-1844)
808581 80310 Arctium lappa L.
W. Woodville, W.J. Hooker, G. Spratt, Med. Bot., ed. 3, vol. 1 : t. 13 (1832)
756201 80310 Arctium lappa L.
F.P. Chaumeton, Fl. Med., vol. 1 (nouvelle publication): t. 57 (1833)
3485221 80310 Arctium lappa L.
W. Baxter, Brit. Phaen. Bot., vol. 5 : t. 333 (1840)
2417496 80310 Arctium lappa L.
A.G. Dietrich, Fl. Boruss., vol. 10 : t. 718 (1842) [A.G. Dietrich]
1103536 80310 Arctium lappa L.
G.C. Oeder, Fl. Dan., vol. 14 fasicle 41, : t. 2424 (1843-1849)
1105926 80310 Arctium lappa L.
G.C. Oeder, Fl. Dan., vol. 15 fasicle 45, : t. 2663 (1852-1861)
1536466 80310 Arctium lappa L.
J.E. Smith, Engl. Bot., ed. 3, vol. 5 : t. 701 (1866)
1536476 80310 Arctium lappa L.
J.E. Smith, Engl. Bot., ed. 3, vol. 5 : t. 701bis (1866)
2065801 80310 Arctium lappa L.
Helen Sharp, Water-color Sketches Amer. Pl.: (1888-1910) [Helen Sharp]
827506 80310 Arctium lappa L.
C.F. Millspaugh, Amer. Medic. Pl., vol. 1 : t. 92 (1892)
4207261 80310 Arctium lappa L.
A. Fiori, G. Paoletti, Iconogr. Fl. Ital.: p. 454, t. 3625, fig. 4 (1895-1904)
4207291 80310 Arctium lappa L.
A. Fiori, G. Paoletti, Iconogr. Fl. Ital.: p. 454, t. 36251, fig. 5 (1895-1904)
1462936 80310 Arctium lappa L.
F. Losch, Kräuterbuch, ed. 2: t. 84, fig. 2 (1905)
1496026 80310 Arctium lappa L.
J. Sturm, E.H.L. Krause, K.G. Lutz, Deutschl. Fl., ed. 2, vol. 14 : t. 15, fig. 1 (1906)
1503756 80310 Arctium lappa L. [0]
J. Sturm, E.H.L. Krause, K.G. Lutz, Deutschl. Fl., ed. 2, vol. 14 : t. 15, fig. 2 (1906)
1580921 80310 Arctium lappa L.
G.H. Clark, J. Fletcher, Farm Weeds Canada: t. 27 (1906) [N. Criddle]
2084276 80310 Arctium lappa L.
K. Hoffmann, E. Dennert, Botanischer Bilderatlas: t. 82, fig. 5 (1911)
3264681 80310 Arctium lappa L.
E.A. von Regel, Gartenflora, vol. 63 : p. 213 (1914)
1014831 80310 Arctium lappa L.
O. Degener, Fl. Hawaiiensis (Illustrations): (1932)
4009956 80310 Arctium lappa L.
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 27 : p. 101, t. 7, fig. 2,3 (1934-1964)
4009991 80310 Arctium lappa L.
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 27 : p. 101, t. 7, fig. 10,11 (1934-1964)
39874147 80310 Arctium lappa L. [-1]
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 27 : p. 101, t. 7, fig. 1 (1934-1964)

6 Arctium lappa L. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Lappa lappa (L.) Karsten;
heterotypic synonyms:
Arctium adhaerens Gilib.; Arctium bardana Willd.; Arctium chaorum Klokov; Arctium glabrescens Klokov; Arctium grandiflorum Desf.; Arctium leiospermum Juz. & Ye.V.Serg.; Arctium maassii (M.Schultze) Rouy; Arctium macrospermum (Walbr.) Dalla Torre & Sarnth.; Arctium majus (Gaertner) Bernh.; Arctium nemorosum Lej.; Arctium newbouldii (F.N.Williams) Druce; Arctium ruderale Salisb.; Arctium vulgare (Hill) Druce; Arctium vulgare (Hill) Evans; Lappa glabra Lam.; Lappa major Gaertner; Lappa nemorosa (Lej.) Körn. ex Griewank; Lappa officinalis All.; Lappa vulgaris Hill;
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7 Arctium leiobardanum Juz. & c.serg. ex Stepanov distributionfilter: global
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3576366 80334 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. [125 585017 Lappa minor Hill]
P.A. Mattioli, New Kreüterbuch (Mattioli): p. 506, fig. C,D (1563)
3214315 80334 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. [116 585017 Lappa minor Hill]
T.F.L. Nees von Esenbeck, M.F. Wijhe (Weyhe), Pl. Medicin., vol. 1 : (1828) [A. Henry]
3214325 80334 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. [116 585017 Lappa minor Hill]
T.F.L. Nees von Esenbeck, M.F. Wijhe (Weyhe), Pl. Medicin., vol. 1 : , fig. 1 (1828) [A. Henry]
2417506 80334 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. [125 585017 Lappa minor Hill]
A.G. Dietrich, Fl. Boruss., vol. 10 : t. 719 (1842) [A.G. Dietrich]
1105916 80334 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. [125 585017 Lappa minor Hill]
G.C. Oeder, Fl. Dan., vol. 15 fasicle 45, : t. 2662 (1852-1861)
1488706 80334 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. [125 585017 Lappa minor Hill]
O.W. Thomé, Fl. Deutschl., vol. 4 : t. 592 (1885)
2666776 80334 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. [125 585017 Lappa minor Hill]
A. Masclef, Atlas Pl. France, vol. 2 : t. 166 (1890-1893)
3041046 80334 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. [125 585017 Lappa minor Hill]
Naturalis: (1895)
1375796 80334 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. [125 585017 Lappa minor Hill]
J. Kops, Fl. Bat., vol. 20 : t. 1587 (1898)
1496035 80334 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. [116 585017 Lappa minor Hill]
J. Sturm, E.H.L. Krause, K.G. Lutz, Deutschl. Fl., ed. 2, vol. 14 : t. 16, fig. 1 (1906)
4009981 80334 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. [181 585017 Lappa minor Hill]
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 27 : p. 101, t. 7, fig. 8,9 (1934-1964)

8 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Lappa minor Hill;
heterotypic synonyms:
Arctium chabertii Briq. & Cavill.; Arctium conglomeratum Schur ex Nyman; Arctium euminus Syme; Arctium lappa Kalm; Arctium minus Schkuhr; Arctium montanum Steudel; Arctium pubens Bab.; Lappa chabertii ; Lappa pubens (Bab.) Boreau;
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9 Arctium mixtum (Simonk.) Nyman distributionfilter: global
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10 Arctium neumani (Rouy) Rouy distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Lappa neumani Rouy;
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11 Arctium nothum (Ruhmer) J.Weiss distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Arctium nothum (Ruhmer); Lappa notha Ruhmer;
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12 Arctium palladini (Marcow.) distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Lappa palladini Marcow.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Arctium radula Juz. & Ye.V.Serg.; Arctium transcaucasicum ;
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4009962 80364 Arctium palladinii Grossh.
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 27 : p. 101, t. 7, fig. 4-6 (1934-1964)

13 Arctium palladinii Grossh. distributionfilter: global
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14 Arctium platylepis Sosn. ex Grossh. distributionfilter: global
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15 Arctium pseudarctium (Bornm.) Duist. distributionfilter: global
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16 Arctium sardaimionense Rassulova & B.A.Sharipova distributionfilter: global
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17 Arctium scanicum (Rouy) Rouy distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Lappa scanica Rouy;
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1955486 80424 Arctium tomentosum Miller [0] ()
2684272 80424 Arctium tomentosum Miller
P. Miller, Fig. Pl. Gard. Dict., vol. 2 : t. 159 (1760)
2417486 80424 Arctium tomentosum Miller [0]
A.G. Dietrich, Fl. Boruss., vol. 10 : t. 717 (1842) [A.G. Dietrich]
1103526 80424 Arctium tomentosum Miller [0]
G.C. Oeder, Fl. Dan., vol. 14 fasicle 41, : t. 2423 (1843-1849)
1370086 80424 Arctium tomentosum Miller [0]
J. Kops, Fl. Bat., vol. 13 : t. 1016 (1868)
1108446 80424 Arctium tomentosum Miller [0]
G.C. Oeder, Fl. Dan., vol. 17 fasicle 49, : t. 2915 (1877-1883)
1503762 80424 Arctium tomentosum Miller
J. Sturm, E.H.L. Krause, K.G. Lutz, Deutschl. Fl., ed. 2, vol. 14 : t. 16, fig. 2 (1906)
1312602 80424 Arctium tomentosum Miller
C.A.M. Lindman, Bilder Nordens Fl., vol. 1 : t. 4 (1922)
4009972 80424 Arctium tomentosum Miller
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 27 : p. 101, t. 7, fig. 7 (1934-1964)

18 Arctium tomentosum Miller distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Arctium leptophyllum Klokov; Lappa tomentosa (Miller) Lam.;
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19 Lappa edulis Siebold ex Miq. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Arctium edule (Miq.) Nakai;
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3041051 585008 Lappa intermedia Rchb.f.
Naturalis: ()
1375801 585008 Lappa intermedia Rchb.f.
J. Kops, Fl. Bat., vol. 20 : t. 1588 (1898)

20 Lappa intermedia Rchb.f. distributionfilter: global
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21 Lappa notha Ruhmer distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Arctium nothum (Ruhmer); Arctium nothum (Ruhmer) J.Weiss;
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22 Lappa rehmannii Dybowski distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Arctium rehmannii Iljin;
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23 Lappa zalewski Dybowski. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Arctium zalewskii Arènes;
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