Wallich, N., Plantae Asiaticae rariores, or, Descriptions of some rare Indian plants = Asiat. Res. 13: 369-415 (1820)
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Wallich, N., Plantae Asiaticae rariores, or, Descriptions of some rare Indian plants = Asiat. Res. 13: 369-415 (1820)
TL2: 16579
ID publication: 1697

Indexed illustrations in this publication: 17

References: -



Total number of volumes: 38

volumevolume (sub)titleyear(s)indexed illustrations (© plantillustrations.org)ID volumecontributor
vol. 1 1806indexed illustrations: 06700Natural History Museum, London, U.K.
vol. 2 1799indexed illustrations: 072103
vol. 2 1799indexed illustrations: 0245194
vol. 3 1792indexed illustrations: 0125769
vol. 3 indexed illustrations: 0245195
vol. 4 1799indexed illustrations: 066882
vol. 4 indexed illustrations: 0245196
vol. 5 1799indexed illustrations: 295857
vol. 5 indexed illustrations: 0237171
vol. 6 1801indexed illustrations: 091329
vol. 6 indexed illustrations: 0245197
vol. 7 1803indexed illustrations: 066363
vol. 7 indexed illustrations: 0245198
vol. 8 1808indexed illustrations: 067200
vol. 8 indexed illustrations: 0245199
vol. 9 1809indexed illustrations: 096570
vol. 9 indexed illustrations: 0245200
vol. 10 1811indexed illustrations: 164713
vol. 10 indexed illustrations: 0237172
vol. 11 1810indexed illustrations: 0155462
vol. 11 indexed illustrations: 0245201
vol. 12 1816indexed illustrations: 0138815
vol. 12 indexed illustrations: 0245202
vol. 13 1820indexed illustrations: 146768Natural History Museum, London, U.K.
vol. 13 indexed illustrations: 0245203
vol. 14 1822indexed illustrations: 0128324
vol. 15 1825indexed illustrations: 095519
vol. 15 indexed illustrations: 0245204
vol. 16 indexed illustrations: 0245205
vol. 16 1828indexed illustrations: 0128504
vol. 17 indexed illustrations: 0245207
vol. 17 1832indexed illustrations: 0102873
vol. 18 1833indexed illustrations: 0105222
vol. 18 indexed illustrations: 0245208
vol. 19 1836indexed illustrations: 06699Natural History Museum, London, U.K.
vol. 19 indexed illustrations: 0245209
vol. 20 indexed illustrations: 0245210
vol. 20 1836indexed illustrations: 0128241